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SS cache, Balance or Fluff?


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I've never had any real issues with the Viks. They are strong Masters, especially if you pick the right crew for them. I've had games many games where they have brutalised the enemy crews.

It's proved by the fact that given the choice of taking the Viks with Von Schill or Taelor and Johan, the Viks are the better choice even though you lose your Cache of SS and have to pay for Von Schill. Meaning they are worth at least 15ss between them probably much more.

Edited by Ratty
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Anyone tried a few games with streamlined cache? Say, set every master to a cache of 4-5, and see if there's any notable difference.

Personally I'm still confused about Seamus' incredibly low cache, given that he's neither a combat monster or ultramegamage of doom. Same with Som'er, I suppose. It's a nice flavour though, and I'm not complaining. Just not seeing the logic behind it, as I guess is the same with the OP.

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