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New player, crew help and a general howdy!


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Apologies for the not using the "new member" board for part of this, but I have a couple of questons and figued I could just mesh to two together. ^^;;

So... Howdy!

Anywho, we all got bit by the Malifaux bug down here and I initially picked up Hamelin, mostly due to my love for rats. (we used to raise them, and haven't been able keep them so it was an obvious choice <3) But I've come to the realization that with the people I have to play against, he's pretty boring. The only person who gives me trouble is Viks, which is only 1 outta the 4 Vik players we have. And its been no fun for them either. So I'm looking for another crew. I initially grabbed a couple of Gremlins (Som'er specifically) and really like the models, as well as Nicodem's crew. But we have to be careful with funds. And I don't need 3 horde crews to buy. O.o

So my general question is, is it worth it to just keep plucking away at gremlins till I get enough and play Hamelin in the meantime and be bored? or should I look at another crew for now until I can afford to buy a horde. Other masters I'm looking at are Zorida and Marcus. I like both a lot. Anyone care to help me go one way or another?

As far as peices go, I like all things beasts (which is a chunk of Zorida's crew as well) So I guess it comes down to which master has a more.. hands on approach.

Part of my issue with Som'er is some games he seems limited to doing the same thing as the last game. Which I don't mind, but I think a nice contrast of a master who can do more would be wonderful.

And thats my problem. There is to much in this game that I like. The only things I don't like really are Sonnia Criid and the Viks with the guild generally being my least favorite of the factions.

Thank you for taking the time to read this kinda lengthy message. I hope it wasn't to boring!

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Zoraida's box set is nice in that the silurids are useful with a number of forces, most neverborn can use them as objective grabbers, Marcus too. Similarly Zoraida herself has a huge variety of models she can take and almost anything she can take she works well with.

One thing to keep in mind is Malifaux is nominally balanced from faction to faction and not master to master. Consequently depending on your play environment you may be hurting yourself if you don't at least get a couple masters from one faction.

Personally I've mostly been getting neverborn so far. I've gotten the dreamer box set, collodi box set, and I plan to get Zoraida's. Plus for one off models I got daydreams, a doppleganger, and a teddy. That seems to be a decent starting selection with a number of potential forces to take. At some point I'll want to get lilith and pandora most likely but those three will give me a base of choices.

Next I'm split between getting arcanists or outcasts. But in either case I'll be looking to get a few different masters to give variety.

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I just want to point out that all the masters that you want either require or have a huge pool of models to choose from. Your missing only one other master that has a large pool to draw from and that is Levi. I just thought that was funny. I second Z she is an awesome master great to play with and against. Also her crew selection is huge and is a lot of fun to experiment with.

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Z is a good solid and competitive master who is very strong, but doesn't suffer the amount of ire that tends to get directed at NB masters. I throughly recommend a Zoraida/Collodi combo crew, although I would recommend playing with Zoraida with a different crew first.

Over the summer I helped start a Malifaux league at the theatre I was working at and one of the players went for a Collodi/Zoraida pairing. He said that playing it however didn't seem to give him much experience with Zoraida because Collodi was so amazing that Zoraida just felt tacked on to him. I'd get used to her tricks first and then add Collodi.

As a side note Zoraida also got probably the best of the NB Avatars and it's model is amazing, and looks like a very interesting painting project as well.

Big Z is a great choice.

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Lol.. good point. I proxy'd Levi as well, and really really liked him. But with his avatar taking advantage of the Riders, I felt like I'd be limiting him a bit if I didn't have the riders, and at 30 bucks a pop...

But yeah. Its my natural tendancy towards things it seems. In Warhammer Fantasy, I picked up Skaven and Orcs and Goblins. For 40K, I have Tyranids. O.o With Starcraft I played Zerg the most, and so on and so forth. So yeah, its habit and I don't even realize it most of the time. Any other suggestions for fun masters to play? I like all the steampunk machines, havign worked in a machine shop for a number of years, but Ramos seems to support-y for me. Thanks for the help! I'll look at Zorida some more as my wife is thinking of getting Lilith. And I adore collodi. If he wasn't used a bit in my gaming area I probably woulda started with him after Hamelin.

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