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Samael Hopkins Overview and Tactics


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Its funny because I didn't realize if i put that in, i double checked his V2 card from the Wyrd Website and it actually says "until the end of its next activation". I was surprised unless they clarified this somewhere?

Also yes having him shoot Sonnia in the back sucks =( but you may not always run him with Sonnia.

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Good article - a couple of comments though:

1) You misspelled "Criid" in the first line.

2) I think you are underestimating the -2 Wk ability from the Hunting Tools (and also arrest) as most of the comments are around the fact that an opponent could simply shoot or charge Samael, but the game will rarely revolve around killing him, and will often revolve around models moving around to claim / contest objectives...

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I would like to thank everyone for reading through it, I am thankful I can spur talk/tactics for Guild as I see our forum is not as active as the others as far as tactics.

@TalonRaven- I agree that he isn't half bad in melee either I just fear he may have trouble "finishing what he started" in melee. Because once he is locked down Defense of 4 isn't doing him any favors. At least at range he can use Scout/Hunter as something to buff his defenses against shooting and a few spells.

@Dark Alleycat- true Samael can always be a menace to his own side even if he isn't targeting Sonnia. If Flaming Bullets is up from earlier in the turn he can really hurt just about any target even without Arcane Hunter up.

@Fearlord - fixed it thanks for the catch. I agree with your sentiment and I always go for objectives when I game. But Huntin' Tools -2wk only lasts till the end of the turn, which means the enemy probably already activated to get to you. Or the enemy risks disengaging strikes so he rather just use his AP to knock out Samael (which isn't hard to do).

On Arrest it isn't a bad spell since it out ranges his Colt .45, he can cast it into a melee brawl without worry. It has a lot of advantages I just have never been able to use it and say "that mattered" in game. I do like that it will always make an opponent discard two cards just because he may not want to "deal with it later".

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Actually, I was speaking in reference to Obey. Posters have suggested that by keeping Sam in melee range of Sonnia, one can reduce the amount of damage should Sam be influenced by the likes of Zoraida or Perdita.

I was pointing out that even in melee, Sam can still do a lot of hurt to Sonnia thanks to the combination of Arcane Hunter and Critical Strike, not to mention the -2Wk.

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