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Pandora and R-Type



ok, been looking at building a Pandora list based on exploiting Sorrows...

and realized, Link says nothing about Linking Linked models...

as in

Sorrow A, Links to Pandora

Sorrow B, Links to Sorrow A,

Sorrow C, Links to Sorrow B... etc...

Pandora then zips around and Sorrow A snaps to her at the end of activation...

then Sorrow B snaps to A after its activation...


creating a "tail" of models that jump to Pandora after each's activation...

is this legal?

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That sounds totally legel...

Sorrow C links to B which links to A which links to Pandora.

if Pandora walks or finishes her activation only A would push to her..

if Sorrow A walks or finishes its activation only B would push to it.

if Sorrow B walks or finishes its activation only C would push to it.

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I thought like abilities didn't stack. And since both models gain linked. You can't link to a linked model since its already linked(say that three time fast)

(0) Link: This model and target model in base contact

with it are Linked. After the model this model is

Linked to completes a Walk Action or ends its

activation, Push this model into base contact with the

Linked model. Link ends if the two models are not in

base contact at the Start Closing Phase.

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The actual Link effect sits on the Sorrow not Pandora, so you can attach multiple Sorrows to Pandora as each has only one Link effect sitting on it on it.

The reference to Linked, is so you know which model your Link effect is connected to. So the Sorrow has an effect on it that means it Pushes to the Linked model

Also yes as Sorrows don't have Matyr if one is Linked to it will take damage at the start of it's activation.

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huh... i could've sworn I read there only one model could be linked on at a time... must've misread that...

either way, there are purposes to this, mostly for minimizing damage to other model's they attach to...

It was like that for a while and then link got reworked just before the Rules Manual came out.

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