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R is for Ramos ...

El Indio

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(A big thank-you to whomever edited the thread title! It's good enough for me. :D)

Well, after a marathon painting session, I'm finally done with my first table-ready Malifaux crew. Ramos and Company!

First off, Ramos. I wanted to give him a touch of Professor Moriarty, from the Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes. Hence the black suit with silver accents. This was also my first attempt at OSL, and I think it turned out rather well.




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Alternate Ramos. I actually like this sculpt a little better than the original. I left the tentacle off. It's hard to fit on a 30mm base, and I think it's rather silly that Ramos is summoning something that isn't even in the game. Besides, I think he looks more commanding this way, as if he's giving a speech to an assembly of MS&U members.



EDIT: Here's another shot, from the side, just to show that Ramos's model has a bit more dimension.


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STEAMBORG! I'd read the horror stories about how this guy was a pain to assemble. Given the base I'd chosen, I had a few extra problems with balance. I solved them by gluing the back legs to the Steamborg's arms as well as to his chassis, giving me a two-point join for stability. The other two legs were easier.



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Arachnids and Arachnid Swarm. I dislike the hassle of magnetizing these little buggers, to the point that I'm willing to spend extra money for more Arachnids to avoid it. I'll probably be doing one or two more swarms at some point, but I want to tackle a pair of Large Steampunk Arachnids first, probably this weekend. Ramos likes him some mid-range pieces.





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Love it! They all look fantastic, and the OSL on Ramos does look very good. I'm impressed with the detail you got into the Arachnids considering how small they are.

Thanks! I followed the Brushthralls' tutorial on OSL, which was so simple that I felt ashamed to use it. The base (darkest) color for the electrical fire was P3's Arcane Blue, a wash of which was applied in the areas that needed OSL. A blown-out brush feathered it around so that the glow wasn't too intense, and I also touched-up the face where things got a bit sloppy.

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Great work. I like the bases you've chosen, and I agree that the alternate Ramos looks better than the original.

Thank you! The bases are a mix of Black Cat Bases's Cog Floor line (Arachnids and regular Ramos) and Fiendish Fabrications' Clockwork bases (Alt Ramos, Steamborg, EC and Toolkit). I have Iron Halo's Deus Ex Machina waiting in the wings for future Arachnid Swarms, as well as Black Cat's Modern Technical for the inevitable Kaeris expansion. Still not sure if I want to go for the Soulstone Miner yet, but I have an idea for a home-brew base style that might work.

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Truly fantastic work. Nice job on the OSL. I just made my own try via a different technique and was quite happy with it too. The blue is far more subtle than mine though. I really like the way it came out.

Also, I didn't even know of any of those base manufacterers. You have given me so many ideas! Still nothing to make my planned Dreamer crew with Nightmare Teddies happy, but I think I have a few ideas for various models in both this and Warmachine.

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Well, the LSPAs didn't arrive on Friday as planned, so I started work on some of my Ortegas. Nothing finished to show as of yet, but in the meantime, here are a few of the Showgirls!

The Star's company was my first crew (I'm a sucker for stage magic), and I started working on them before I had to switch gears (har har) to Ramos. I'll finish them off eventually, but for now, I have other projects on my plate. Still, though, here are the human members of the cast. Female faces are much harder for me to paint (so many soft angles!), and I'm not wholly satisfied with them, but here they are nonetheless.

First, Colette. I love the hat, but it really gets in the way of the poor girl's face. I think I butchered it pretty well. OTOH, I was surprised with how well the bow on the back of her dress turned out, so it wasn't a complete loss. I was going for a bit of a Zatanna look with the black, white, and yellow, with the purple added for contrast. I gave her brown hair because that's what the story lists it as -- and because I like the idea of Colette being a little unremarkable physically, and dazzing on charm, panache, and superb taste in fashion. ;)



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