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One man's path to henchmanship.


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I've been a rather casual Malifaux fan and player since the game was originally released, I've proxied a lot and only played with close friends; however recently I moved to a larger city for university.

In this city only a couple of people have Malifaux crews and they don't play much since the LGS doesn't support them. I love Malifaux and also happen to be a poor college student, making the game all the more perfect for me. So I've decided on a goal, to buy more Malifaux miniatures, get a-painting, become a henchman and drum up support for Malifaux in the area. Maybe even convincing the LGS to stock it.

I'm going to be ordering the Rules Manual and Twisting Fates momentarily, along with two-four solid starter boxes. Unfortunately I probably won't be ready in time for the gaming convention taking place here on the 24th-25th.

Wish me luck!

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same here :) I'm kinda to lazy to study hard (i DO study though) and i love Malifaux from the beginning i saw the game. so now I am henchman, and i convinced 15 people to play Malifaux (including my girlfriend) and the partner from my game club also sells Malifaux at a superb price, and because it is the partner we get 5% discount :) i already spent a fortune on Malifaux :)

good luck on becoming henchman :)

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