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Achievement Unlocked: Hard Mode (aka I'm starting Marcus ^_^)


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So, after having more or less finished painting up my colette crew I've been looking into expanding further into arcanists for some more variety.

And thanks to some upcoming trades I'm going to have a decent collection of marcus friendly models. What I'll have total is:


The Jackalope


1x Shikome

1x Sabertooth Cerberus

3x Silurids

2x Razorspine Rattlers

2x Molemen

For a 35ss list using models from what I'll have I was thinking as a general list I would field:


Jackalope 1ss

Shikome 8ss

Sabertooth Cerberus 8ss

3x Silurids 15ss

1x Moleman 3ss

Cache of 4

Figured I could switch out things for myranda/rattlers as needed depending on missions. Any thoughts?

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You've got a reasonable range of models there. Don't forget that you can hire your showgirls as well in a marcus crew. If you're looking for fast moving its hard to beat a corephyee duet, and several other models you have can keep pace with it (well nearly).

I've recently got some night terrors, and as fast cheap objective grabbers they are great. 2 of them can move 18 inches a turn, they fly and are spirits. Makes them good defend me targets.

Personally I've had better luck with the rattler to the cerberus, but then I never seem to get the cards to get Roar and/or Leap which is one of the best things for the cat. But thats personal taste, and you can try to see which suit you

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Yeah. I'm not particularly keen on either one to be honest, but with what I have I prefer the kitty over the snake, especially given what I'm planning for it as far as paint and modelling goes.

On an unrelated note: GIF MARCUS WOLVES! You can keep your silly cats and brainless bears. I want a wolf model damnit! Not a guild hound, not a mangy flea bitten chihuahua zombie, but a full on little pig eating, red riding hood chasing, howling at the moon, wolf. Kthx

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Welcome to "The Struggle"! ;) You have a really solid starting list there; I used a similar list for awhile, and I found its a very flexible list that still has some "oomph" to it.

In the Rattler v. Cerberus debate, I tend to lean towards the Cerberus. Although he's completely card dependent (you need that Leap card in your hand for him to be effective,) its not too unreasonable to hope to run into a 7:masks+ within the first two hands (since first turn you're likely jockeying for position, so you won't need to Leap right away.)

If you can get the card for it, Leap allows the Cerberus to deal a very respectable amount of damage at a great threat range: either 4 attacks at anything within 10", or 3 attacks (one charge attack,) at anything within 19" of him. Combine that with the solid minimum damage of his bite, and he can usually eat something worthwhile before he dies.

The Rattler, on the other hand, has fantastic built in threat range, but I find that he doesn't do nearly as much damage when he gets there. If you can get his Poison trigger, he can probably take down whatever he gets a hold of, but otherwise, I usually have him charge off, bite something twice, and then die. Granted, I probably just need to practice more with it, but I'm really leaning towards a pair of Guild Hounds for the "guided missile" role.

One last thing about the Cerberus. Your list takes advantage of one of the Cerberus' greatest strengths: its a really strong Hunting Partner target. Because of his high (and flexible, thanks to Leap) threat range, he can get at targets pretty easily, and with Fast and the bonus flips from Prey, he'll absolutely destroy anything he gets a hold of.

I'd also like to try the Rattler with Hunting Partner, as the extra action and flips would give him a lot more oomph when it gets to it's target, but I'm not entirely sure how Serpent Strike and the Prey restrictions interact. There was a thread asking about it awhile back, but I don't know that it the question was ever resolved.

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