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Dave's Malifaux Minis (Along With Other Minis)


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So, I just ordered a bunch more minis to work on. Among them: aJustice, Mechanical Rider, Abuela, the Twins, an Obedient Wretch, an Austringer (the one with the hat), some bases, some base inserts, some accessories, and a model from Black Cat Bases to serve as a second Insidious Madness (I'd rather have two different sculpts when I can).

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Thanks! :)

I can't remember who I stole the blue flames idea from, but all the credit goes to them. I had already painted her totem's flames in blue, so it looks right for internal consistency as well.

On the tattoos, I just realized that GW Midnight Blue (sadly, no longer in production) gives a more realistic look than black.

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you had a cowgirl laying around unfinished, you lucky b*stard? :thcow2:
I wish. (Giggity.)

anyway, still waiting for the Alexia Ciannor? how's her leg?
About that. After I primed her, I saw that the area was still rough-looking. I need to go back and file some more excess glue off. The join is solid, though, so I'll consider my first attempt at pinning a success.
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I decided that I liked the flaming guitar shtick so much that I stole it. without further ado, I give you:

Sue WIP:



EDIT: I also had enough Green Stuff mixed to make a starfish, a kind-of-jellyfish-looking-thing, and a bit of brain coral. One on each of three bases for my Drowned. The bases will be homemade water bases. (I hope.)

Anyone know how long this stuff takes to cure?

Edited by dsmiles
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nice sculpts...

curing for what? GS? or water (i.e. resin)?

GS about 6 hours (I think)

resin - depends on which you use. some take a couple of hours, other a day. but what I've found out through the years is that it also depends on the depth of the resin. It isn't the same if you make a puddle of about 2mm deep or the same area but 1" deep...

and merry Christmas!

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