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Stripping a model

Huang Da Wei

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I used Pine Sol to strip some of mine (heat and humidity fuzzed my primer too! Stupid Arizona Monsoon)...It didn't get some out of the finer details, but (after a thorough wash with clean water, of course) a couple hours in acetone nail polish remover works just fine with the metals...though I wouldn't leave 'em in there too long. I didn't dare put plastic in the acetone.

Scrub with a tooth brush and viola! Clean mini :) **don't forget your latex gloves though, that acetone is some nasty stuff**

This is the reason I use the second bath of Simple Green. For some reason neither seems to clean everything by it self. Doing this though, they are stripped bare as hell in no time and without any damage to the resin or metal.

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Absolutely. 24-36 hours is usually sufficient, but for really easy cleaning, give it about 48 hours. Then just run it under hot water while brushing it with an old toothbrush. Takes about 3-5 minutes, and the model will look almost new. Give the paint a scratch with your hobby knife before dropping it in the SG, and it will serve as a good starting point for the brush.

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I gotta say the Simple Green/Ultrasonic cleaner combo worked wonders! I was lucky that my dad actually owns an Ultrasonic cleaner. In all it took about 1.5 hours to get just about all paint completely striped. The best part of it all, almost no scrubbing! Just a little agitation of the model in the Simple Green got the pesky deep spots. The only scrubbing I had to do was when I was giving an acetone bath to get rid of the glue as well as the paint underneath. Happy camper right here. So, if you tend to strip models often, I highly suggest getting an ultrasonic cleaner. Works wonders. You could easily strip a ton of models for a half days work. (if you want to call it work as you don't do anything but wait.)

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I'm in the UK, and I've had a lot of success with something called "Gunk Green Engine Degreaser". It's easy to get a hold of in Halfords, comes in reasonably large containers and is biodegradable.


Shove all your models in a big pot and leave to marinade over night or longer, depending on how much paint and how old it is. You'll get immediate results with newer paint, I suspect.

Just be aware that although it's "green", it *is* a pretty powerful degreaser, so will strip EVERYTHING, including oil from natural wood furniture. Cover everything before you go at your miniatures with a toothbrush, or you'll get little spots degreased all over your living room.

Better yet, do it outside!

Yeah, that may be first hand experience ... :whistle:

- Piete.

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