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How does one rally for local tourney's


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I am certain this topic has been raised before, however being new to both this game and the forum as a whole. I would still like to dive head first into the subject matter that led me here in the first place.

This being said, I think this game is great and there are about 5 of us that play at game store where we play other Mini- games. It would be a blast to put some time into organized play.

Does anyone have any ideas that might benefit this notion. Thank you for reading and possibly responding ahead of time.

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Talk to the store. Let them know you want to see organized events. Make sure the store sees that there are people interested and actively playing the game. If there isn't a representative of the store interested in becoming a Henchman, take the mantle yourself and offer to run events on behalf of the store.

The most important thing though is to let them know there is interest in the game.

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I haven't organized anything in years, but I once ran a successful series of campaigns for over 2 years. At first I had 2~3 players. At the end nearly 30 people gathered 2 times a week and I had to relinquish most of responsibility to more active members of the community.

My main motivation was that I couldn't come on regular night but hated being the only person to show up (to spend the evening reading the book in the club). It worked really great for me - after 2~3 months I had more gaming I could handle, as people rearranged their schedules to come to take part in the events I hosted. :D

There's only thing I can advice: Perseverance. Start small, plan for people not showing up, be sure event will be fun even if there's just 1 or 2 tables going. Advertise of course, encourage players who come tell their friends. If the things do happen regularly and can be counted on, people gain more and more interest in them. Great way to attract indecisive gamers too.

Edited by Q'iq'el
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Step 1)

Find a sucker to be a Henchman. Best way to get OP going is to have someone who is actually getting a benefit from running the events.

Step 2)

Talk to the store about a day to run an event. Then post signs at the store. Post details here. And Post on other forums locals go to.

Step 3)

Fun :)

Honestly you got 5 people playing that is the true first step. Get out to the store and get people interested. From there its just a matter of setting up times for events and getting people to show up. The key is getting someone to run the event, as that can be a bit of work sometimes.

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Remember you're trying to create a Malifaux gaming community... Keep that in mind. Run demos; have non-tourney oriented game nights (Malifaux Mondays); your first tourneys should have an entry level SS cost; escalating SS leagues; punch and pie; etc... lots of great advice in starting a following at your FLGS here on the forums.

I learned lots of tips on the d6generation podcast. listen to episode 77 -- at the 62 minute mark they talk about what works in their community as to building and attracting people to their games.

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(Malifaux Mondays).

I should have trademarked that :)

Yeah when I said events I didn't just mean tournament. Leagues, demo days, open play. The key is to play.

An Escalation league is a great way to grow players. Start with a small stone games(say 20 Stones) and work your way up from there.

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