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reactivate and bury



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Model gets reactivate and uses them both. He then gets buryed and comes back out the next turn is it able to reactivate 2 x in that turn as well as reactivate did not were off as it was not in play at the end of turn.

I think what you are asking is:

#1 Do models who gain "re-activate" ability retain this ability if they are buried during the closing phase.


#2 Do they get to reactivate twice (2x) ?


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Reactivate has two parts really..

The Reactivate is removed when you use it. So if you take a second activation and then bury you won't have it when you come back

The second part is an additional bit in the rules that states you can't Reactivate twice in the same turn. That's not really part of Reactivate effect, it's more of a general rule.

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Just meant that you could use reactivate again the next turn

No, I believe just like Fast Slow and Paralyzed, Reactivate is lost on the next activation. So by activating a second time, you would lose reactivate before being buried. However, if you gained Reactivate and buried after one activation, you should be able to activate twice when you unbury

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