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Assimilate and Reactivate



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I think most people are playing this as legal right now, and it was played like this at the masters at Gencon which was overlorded by Wyrd rules guys.

FWIW I've played against it a couple of times and I don't feel that it's particularly broken to be honest, I think that ruling will stand.

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Even though the Rules Manual puts Paralyzed and Reactivate in the same bucket as Slow and Fast, I'm sure the ruling is going to eventually place those two in a separate category. Namely because under the current ruling, Perdita can knock Paralyzed off of someone with Spellbreaker, which means that it is an effect, like Poison.

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Even though the Rules Manual puts Paralyzed and Reactivate in the same bucket as Slow and Fast, I'm sure the ruling is going to eventually place those two in a separate category. Namely because under the current ruling, Perdita can knock Paralyzed off of someone with Spellbreaker, which means that it is an effect, like Poison.

Perdita can use Spellbreaker because it's an effect, but that doesn't mean that it isn't an Talent as well. An effect is anything that changes the "Natural State" of a model.

Basically an effect can be a Talent, but a Talent doesn't have to be an effect.

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Abilities are Talents. Abilities gained and not on your Card are Effects.

Therefore anything gained that is an ability is also a talent.

That's not what that ruling is about, though. That one states that Action Modifiers are abilities, but that there are now two categories. One that can be ignored by Maintain Machines (Permanent), and one that can't (Temporary). Under this ruling, Perdita would not be able to Spellbreak Paralyze on another model, because it does not let you ignore Abilities, Permanent or Temporary. This ruling does cement Paralyze and Reactivate's status as action modifiers, but it may be ruled that temporary abilities cannot be Assimilated.

EDIT: Actually, I'm wrong about that. Under Effects woefully vague entry in the RM, gaining Paralyze is something that changes a model's status.

Edited by Jonas Albrecht
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Actually, I'm wrong about that. Under Effects woefully vague entry in the RM, gaining Paralyze is something that changes a model's status.

Thankfully there is not much of that in the RM. But if you read the description for Effects in the RM you can see where I pulled the rest of the information. Basically I just put the pieces together but wanted to confirm with the Marshalls if that was the intent on Assimilate.

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It seems clear based on the RM that reactivate is a talent. Page 12 of the RM lists the four categories that are Talents; Abilities, Actions, Triggers and Weapons.

Referring to page 32-34 of the RM, it explains Actions in detail as well as all subcategories of Actions.

(1) Actions: Basic - (2) General Actions - (3) Specific Actions - (4) Action Modifiers.

Under the last subcategory of Actions, Action Modifiers, page 34 of the RM lists four game abilities that increase or decrease the number of general AP a model receives during its activation.

These four are; Fast, Slow, Paralyzed and Reactivate.

It seems clear that RAW would allow Hoffman to assimilate reactivate after successfuly casting (2) override edict on a construct.

Whether that was intended by the game makers is another issue. I have used this from time to time and I have not seen it as a game breaker. I have lost games where I have assimilated reactivate with Hoffman once or twice during a game and I have won a few games because of it.

Casting the spell is not automatic, you need the mask. As I am sure all of us have experienced, I have had many turns where i didnt draw a single mask on the draw phase. Unless its the last round and I have nothing to lose, I am not about to spend (2) AP on the fate of a flip of a card off the deck and a stone to follow to find that mask.

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