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So, how many Witch Hunters DOES it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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I want to run a Witch Hunters crew, and have picked up the Witch Hunters Starter box, and a separate blister of Witchling Stalkers, since Sonnia can run around making more.

What else should I invest in?

(For reference I own the Justice box, the Hoffman box, Lucius, Ryle, a Guild Guard Capitan, two Guild Guard, and three Ronin.)

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If you didn't get a chance to buy her during the GenCon special, proxy Avatar Sonnia until you can get her. She is a beat stick of fiery power. Same for the Witchling Handler, especially if you are fielding plenty of Withclings.

Guild Hounds are good to field in certain cases. They are 3ss a piece, but they net you back 1 for every two you hire. Very effective mid to late game models as they can companion off of each other or your master.

Desperate Mercenaries are a good addition since they are only 2 points a piece. Although you might not want them since it will cost an in game Soulstone to just keep them around after turn 3, but they are very good even at the price of an extra soulstone, especially since you can use them as a meat shield and as a healing flip when they die.

Another thing you should also consider when hiring Guild Hounds, Desperate Mercenaries and Witchling Stalkers. Since they are cheap or have positive effects for you when they die, you can always use them as origination points for Inferno and deal blast damage to enemy models while denying them a defense flip.

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