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Arcanist Avatar Summary (Spoiler)


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Wyrd said somewhere that some of the avatars will be on 40's collette though has me wondering she might be on a normal 30 or maybe a 40 if she becomes what amounts to be 3 50's I'm gonna wonder what there thinking

Colette is on 3 30mm bases. I think Pandora may be the only 40mm one.

Ramos' Avatar is on a 50mm base.

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Got my book in and decided I'd post my opinions. Heck, why not?

Colette: Has a lot of potential, although I'm a bit confused about how she works. I suspect I will get some things figured out as time goes on. Do the revealed Decoys become "unrevealed" at the beginning of each turn? (I believe so.) If a Colette receives Reactivate, does she get 3 AP to do so? (I believe so.) She can really cause a lot of havoc on an opponent and becomes on of those models that cannot be ignored. Plus, she finds a use for those Rams you had laying around.

Still, I'm not certain how much more useful she is compared to normal Colette and her doves. All in all, she changes the game, but I'm not sure I'd take her every time.

Marcus: Okay, um... I fully admit, I am biased here. I do not like Marcus. That said, I can say safely that I believe the Avatar of Instinct to be one of the worst Avatars. That doesn't mean he's bad per se, but just that I was expecting more. Chimeric Assault is both fairly powerful and a wonderful way to lose cards from your hand. If you're looking to kill something, you're honestly probably better off sacrificing a soulstone and a 9 of Tomes to cast Evolutionary Confluence.

That said, if you're playing Marcus, you could do worse. It's not a bad buy for 2 stones, but the Avatar just isn't that impressive.

Ramos: Holy cow, talk about a huge change. This takes Ramos and makes him fairly competitive, in my book. Where before he was too slow, now Ramos can actually take part in a battle (and can summon Large Arachnids, far more useful than the normal variety). A 2 of Masks or higher gives him Leap, which I've mentioned before I absolutely love, and if he has two Scrap Counters, he can make 5 strikes, although he can't Leap and do that. Oh, and Override? Absolutely amazing.

Always, always worth the stones.

Rasputina: Another huge change, although this one doesn't wow me like the last one did. She becomes a bit of a combat beatstick, although not a particularly accurate one, and is very, very tough to kill if she's doing her thing in close combat. Interestingly, she has Casting Expert, but her spells require rather high numbers to be successful. Both Hungry Winds and December's Maw are really useful, though, and if you can cast them both in a turn, you're doing very well. Being able to summon Gamin is likewise nice.

If you're worried about people closing with Rasputina, take the Avatar. It does, however, really change her playstyle, and not so much for the better.

All in all, I would say we received one amazing Avatar (Ramos), 2 that have a lot of potential, and Marcus. ;)

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The more I look at aColette the more I like her. She stops doing a whole lot herself but enables the rest of the crew to go crazy.

I'm seeing this for a potential turn:

Activate Colette, Cassandra, Duet and Mannequin

Colette 1: Sublime Performance, Flourished card, Bedazzle, Flourish Card, Bedazzle, Flourish Card, Bedazzle

Colette 2: Mesmerizing, Card Tricks

Colette 3: Mesmerizing, Aetheric Subterfuge

At this point, you have up to two models slowed, up to three models have taken a point or two of damage and have to cheat randomly, and you get to stack your opponents deck three cards in. Cassie and the Coryphee proceed to apply righteous boot to ass.

Totally situational, but very demoralizing.

You also have the option of getting six actions over three models to collect VPs if you prefer. I don't think I'd use her avatar in ever match, but I'm pretty sure there are a lot of times that I'd really enjoy having the option of multiplying my force.

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