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Norton and his Neverborn..pt2

Saint Norton

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So I've gotten in 6-7 games so far and i've been plugging away at the neverborn. Where I originally swore I would stick to just Pandora and her associates it then grew to just Pandora plus the Dreamer, and then I figured why not buy Zoraida while I'm at it?

So here is the completed work so far. The basing is pretty basic so far, I just wanted a non-descript cobblestone that could work for any of my models.


Waldgeist, I've liked these guys a lot for Zoraida, decent attack and some nice defense, Zoraida gets a lot out of obeying them around the table.


The stiched togeathers, these are possibly my favorite minions thus far, the visual link to oogie boogie not withstanding, these guys have been a ton of fun to play and at least one have wound up in each of my games since buying them.


Rather generic paintjob for the voodoo doll. I want to cherry pick a couple new sculpts out of the puppet wars game for more dynamic dolls.


Zoraida - definitely my favorite thus far of the neverborn masters. Not a direct damage dealer but does so much to buff the crew and her level of interaction with her crew is what does it for me.


Slurids - i'm pretty happy with the paintjob coming out looking very organic but I havent quite figured these guys out. Every role i try them in I just wish I had taken the waldgeist or Kade instead. Am I looking at these guys wrong?


Teddy - I know I posted him before but he's too cool not to include again. Since i've played more and more zoraida I havent seen the need for him and his "immune to willpower" skills.


Pandora - touched up the highlights on her and re-based her. Not too psyched about her. Might be more excited if i had a serious group to play with that didn't mind a challenge or just playing against her fruity ways.


The sorrows, pretty basic ink and drybrush but included for completions sake.



Baby Kade - this model alone did more to get me into Malifaux then any rules manual or henchmen every could have. He finds his way into any of my non-dreamer lists where I think i could benefit from a face beater.


Candy - while i love the model and I'm very proud of the paintjob, I just can't wrap my head around playing her. She just doesnt seem to justify her pts to me. Can anyone give some good Candy specific tactics that might help with her?


Dreamer / Daydreams - still a little ways to go on this one. (i see a Thundercats logo on his t-shirt like i remember having from that age) and a few details on the daydreams need completing.



Chompy - Very happy every time he hits the table, 10 pounds of awesome in a 5 pound box.

Unpainted I still have:

The twins - lelu and lelitu

alps x 3



primordial magic

Any thoughts about sprucing up the bases with some color splashes or what models to pick up next?

Lastly, I have a couple experienced players in my area and I'm thankful for the guidance they have given thus far but does anyone have any suggestions for starting up a regular Malifaux night at your local FLGS? I'd really like this to be a weekly or bi-weekly thing and get a solid competitive scene going in my area (Rochester NY btw,)

If I were more experienced I'd love to apply for henchman status and start running some local events but I dont feel confident in marshalling an event at this point.

Thanks again to anyone who bothered to read this far. And in particular thanks to:

The gamers lounge - great advise and regular updates, Enough malifaux talk to keep me interested through the 40k sections.

The Aethervox - pure malifaux awesomeness. Updates infrequently but each episode has been an instant classic.

Rathnard and Karn for excellent tactica articles. I immediately felt like I had a better understanding of the intention of some rules just by reading through these a couple times.

All the staff at Wyrd that has made this such a diverse universe with as much depth as it has.

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