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People at my local gaming club have started playing malifaux so i have decided to give it a go and take a break from games workshop games, So after having a look at the models and seeing what looks the coolest i have decided that i would like to play a resurrectionists gang mainly beacuse i love the necro punk models. So my question what box set should i start off with if i wanted to use necro punks all advice would be awsome keep in mind i know very little about the game :)

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Welcome to Malifaux, the Boards, and the Resurrectionists!

Necropunks work well with all of the masters, accept for say Kirai. I'd say they work best with Nicodem and McMourning, because they both like to start out with a large force consisting of cheap expendable models, that you can use to summon bigger and better models later on.

Nicodem: is your typical Necromancer/Zombie guy. He isn't a powerful fighter, and his spells aren't meant for face melting either, but he is amazing at raising the dead and boosting their stats to make your units crazy good fighters. Nicodem can use undead models from any faction, not just Resurrectionists.

McMourning: is the Dr. Frankenstein of Malifaux. He uses "body parts" to summon more models (the knee bone is connected to the thigh bone!) to do his bidding. He is excellent in melee, so you want him in the thick of things.

Seamus: if you combine Jack the Ripper with the Mad Hatter, we get our good friend Seamus. Not the most powerful fighter, and not the best at raising the dead either (only can summon Belles). However, he is all about being big and scarey. Enemy models will tremble with fear at the sight of him, and his entourage is one of the most unique ever assembled...undead hookers!

Kirai: she is the master of spirits. She is not a powerful caster or fighter either, and can only summon spirits (not a bad thing). Her crews can be crazy fast when played right, and spirits can be harder to take down than most models in the game. She can use spirits from any faction, not just Resurrectionists.

Hope this brief overview is helpful!!

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Nicodem was my first master and he is a blast. My favorite thing to do is to get my undead into ceombat and cast defy on my own unit as decay heals friendly undead, Then blast it onto my opponents who take damage. The only thing I warn you about is nicodem will require a slightly higher model count. Not that it is bad, because he has so many options when summoning, its insane.

He also paralyzes people, which is awesome. Just read over his card multiple times and you'll go, "oh hot damn, he's my jam!!!!" At least that is what I did. Lol

Welcome to the forums. :)

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You may want to snag a Flesh constuct or 2. And maybe some rotten belles. Its easier to just buy the Seamus and McMourning boxes for these because they will also give you options as to who you can run as a master or who to team up with for a brawl. Also Canine Remains, Crooked men, and Killjoy will be helpful. Variety of models and their function is key, that way your opponent can never truly plan for your crew and you can tailor it mid-game to fit your needs.

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