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Question for the fluff writers/game designers.


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1. It seems to me that the Earth-side history is also vastly different simply because of magic and the Breach. In fact, we know very little about what Earth really is like, aside from the broad sweep we get from the general genre and the dropped bits. Given that, anything Earthside is fair game for existing, or not existing, or being completly different from what you may imagine.

2. Another game with a strong Middle East themed faction is Warmachine with Menoth.

3. Despite my comments in 1, I would imagine native Americans not as a group (like Von Schill and co) but as random individuals, like Joss. By the late 1800s, the native identity was so shattered, and the natives so repressed, that an openly functional group of free natives doesn't seem terribly likely.

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For sure.

I also think about some typical figures of natives in stories. Often it's the last of a tribe, or even that white man who goes native, or the crazy old shaman who lives alone in the middle of nowhere, or you might get the native who aclimates to white culture - the indian cowboy. Any of those could be a cool piece to add to the game.

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So what comes to mind there is a Captain Nemo (like League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) type character. What if it was a Nemo with an airship though? or a train?

Another might be a sultan type with bodyguards, slaves, and dancers. You might also get some assassin types.

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