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Free ticket to UK GT Convince me of your Love for your Master....


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If Nathan hasn't nuked them you will see from my sig that I currently have 10 Masters (Lady J has not been purchased yet). With that in mind....

Last night I dreamt that the Dreamer and LCB were the Master I loved the most but when I woke up the feeling slowly faded away so, feeling a little empty, I decided to go for a stroll.

Taking a shortcut down an alley I encountered the Viktorias and, persuaded in no small amount by the swords to my throat, I decided that they were the best Masters.

That was until Perdita showed up at the other end of the alley and promptly dismissed the Viktorias with a comment about bringing a knife to a gunfight...

My feeling of relief was short lived as now Perdita, waving her guns menacingly in my direction, enquired who I thought was the best Master now?

Luckily Lucius chose that moment to step forth and declare that the choice had already been decreed by the Governor and it was, with all humility, himself, Lucius.

As Lucius and Perdita got into a heated debate about what exactly the Governor could do with his decree I managed to creep away.

Still feeling empty inside I wandered across to Nicodem's Burger Bar and bought myself a Quarter Pounder Deluxe.

As I chewed away thinking that this was the best ever, a voice behind me asked if it was the taste of the seasonings or the blood that made the burger so enjoyable. I exited the burger bar quickly when Lilith started enquiring about the meat used in the Donner Kebabs.

In the park across from the burger bar a small fair was being held with a puppet show and fortune teller but which one was the best?

When all is said and done, and despite Von Schill offering to bribe me, I think the choice has to be Pandora. Not so much that she's the best, it's just that I feel sorry for her...

Edited by aka_hazard
spelling and adding Von Schill
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Well,First and foremost I must profess my love for Sonnia,she of the Fiery temper and the sarcastic turn of phrase. I have played her exclusively since I first got her,even to the point of Forsaking von schill and seamus,and not fielding perdita after I bought her box set to get ortegas for Sonnia to boss around.To further express my devotion and love I chose to paint her to resemble as closely as possible my girlfriend of 6 years. And to further express my love,I painted her chief Minion and most reliable protector,Samael Hopkins to resemble myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was quite torn to pick who was my favourite master. But in the end the awesomeness of the character of one outweighed the awesomeness of the model of the other.

Anyway . . . here goes.

Some say he's just green,

But he's more than what's seen,

He collects undead hookers,

But he only likes the lookers,

As long as they're eighteen.

Some others say he's mean,

That he's Irish and unclean,

But he's the Mad Hatter,

That's the crux of the matter,

Also, he likes Jim Bean.

Some say he's quite obscene,

That he smells like a latrine,

That his .50 Flintlock

Is no worse than some gridlock,

And his suit is only dry clean.

But my favourite master's Seamus,

He might not be the most famous,

And like a kid who wants a lolly,

I cannot wait to get Molly,

As they're both destined for greatness.

Go Team Seamus!

Tim - Wannabe Seamus =p

PS. For those who don't know, Jim Bean is a brand of Whiskey =]

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Ode to Lucius......

A special world for you and me

A special bond one cannot see

He wraps us up in its cacoon

and holds us fiercley in his world.

His fingers spread like fine spun gold

Gently nestling us to the fold

Like silken thread he holds us fast

Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break

a new one forms in its wake

He binds us closer to keep us strong

In his special world, where we belong............

An Ode to lucius by "Super" Edd

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I can't deny using the awesomest model out there. But I have been thinking about giving him a rest after. So I might switch back to Ressers for the start of next year. Give me some time to try and get better with thim.

Then again, I reserve the right to go all Irish depending on the new book and whether it is used.


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By his top hat,and vicious gun

By his unflinching sense of fun

By his hunger never sated

By his love of death oft consummated

By Molly's tears and blood drenched sobs

By the guilds terror and helpless slobs

By rotting whores and Jezebel's

By sparkling Soulstones his tale we tell

Though his love of pain be legendary

Though he transcends the cemeteries

Though the reward climbs ever higher

Though those that hunt him never tire

By his lustful ever hungry eye

By the pretty girls who beg to die

Though Molly girl does hate her Master

Seamus will ever haunt the ever after

We call on him his tale to tell

Serving Seamus is a proper hell

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I thought I would do a slightly different aspect of my love for my Master. As someone who works with sick and poorly dogs everyday, I thought it only fair that Nix should have his say.........................

I thought I saw you today,

But you, my Master, were too far away,

I tried to run as fast as I could,

But you disappeared, shrouded in the woods,

I have searched for you through the darkness,

But the shadows I find only bring me sadness,

I am lonely without you, my Master,

I only hope that death comes for me faster,

I will never stop my search for you,

Down these endless streets of Malifaux,

My heart and soul have been taken,

By these lands which are forsaken,

I thought I heard your voice today,

But you, my Master, did not say,

When you would return, to be by my side,

As the cards are turning, will fate decide.

By Amy Barfield

Edited by Pikachu
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