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Overgrown Clockwork Bases


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So I decided I needed something unique for Ramos. The clockwork has been done, and i'll post the link that inspired this.

I wanted to make it look like ramos is walking through an overgrown old clockwork structure raising his minions from the remains of the area.

This is my first attempt at using greenstuff as well. If you guys have any tips please feel free to speak up! I'll add more once I get some more painting done.

Thanks guys!

Slideshow with more pictures - http://www.flickr.com//photos/dbarnes/sets/72157627197172864/show/


Untitled by Little_BIG_FISH, on Flickr


Untitled by Little_BIG_FISH, on Flickr


Untitled by Little_BIG_FISH, on Flickr


Untitled by Little_BIG_FISH, on Flickr

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Very cool. Where'd you get gears that small? I have a couple watches that I want to take apart and see if they have anything fun in them like that.

Be careful with your camera settings though. That 2nd and 3rd photo, the camera is focusing on your pink cutting mat, instead of the base itself. So it's all fuzzy. :(

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