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Weigh Sins and Spirit Food



Quick question about things- if Kirai uses Spirit Food on a model and it gets killed by Datsue-Ba's Weigh Sins spell do I get to summon two Gaki off the one model?

Spirit Food reads: Target an enemy living or Undead model within 12". If the target is killed this turn, summon one Gaki into base contact with the model before it is removed from play.

Weigh Sins reads: If the model is killed by this damage, summon a Gaki into base contact with the model before it is removed from play.

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Yeah, I've been realizing as I'm looking over stuff that with careful planning and the right cards, Kirai can grow her list rapidly. For example: taking a Desperate Mercenary, Datsue-Ba and Bete Noire in a list. Kirai sacrifices a Seishin, turning it into an Onryo (or a Shikome and sacrifice two Seishin). Datsue-Ba then (hopefully) kills the Desperate Merc. using Weigh Sins, summoning a Gaki, (or maybe another Onryo) a new Seishin to replace the one that was killed, and brings Bete on the board. Also, Last Noble Deed kicks in, and Kirai can potentially heal back to full health. So, for the permanent death of one, I've got two new Spirits, a new Seishin, and Bete is on the board soon enough to hopefully turn her into a Spirit with Lost Love.

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