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New - which crew?

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There appear to be a lot of these "i'm new and not sure who to start with", but I couldn't find one regarding the crews I'm debating. I can't decide between going Resurrectionist with McMourning or Seamus, or Outcast with gremlins. I would expect the resurrectionist forum to be leaning towards resurrectionists, obviously, but any help would be appreciated.

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First off welcome. Of course we are going to lean you towards the ways of the Resser, they are the best :D.

All the crews that you are leaning towards are quite fun and easy to enjoy the game with. McMourning loves summoning and is a beast in combat, Seamus is a good allrounder with a giant handcannon and makes people run away scared, the Gremlins can put out a serious gunline and are capable f all sorts of shenanigans.

What type of playstyle do you like and what do you want out of the game.

http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/ is a fanmade wiki that can give you a bit more of an overview as well

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Undead Hookers. That is all. Lol

But for real my favorite resser crew is kirai fluff and model wise. Next is nicodem as he's your typical necromancer esc Guy. Being able to summon better things from little things as well as having a good casting ability.

Mcmorning is good at melee pretty much the best resser at it, and he can also summon stuff but for a beginner it is alittle rough to remember how to get enough bodypart counters. But that is what the tactics is for.

Seamus is the scary Guy who has undead hookers help him in his regin of terror.

Gremlins IMO are the most fun crew to play, as their ability names are awesome especially when saying them with an accent. "Git 'ur bro", "take a swig", etc. And you can never underestimate the gremlins as they have "dumb luck" literally and theoretically as they can turn the tides really quickly.

Hope this helps and welcome to the forums. :)

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To be quite repetitive, welcome!

Gremlins are a little bit harder to learn, and get trounced if you don't use them right, but are a really fun crew to play.

Mcmourning is a beast, easier to learn, but still takes some finesse, definitely needs add ons like canine remains

Seamus is the easiest to learn of the three, and functions rather well out of the box.

First addons:

Som'er: bayou gremlins, mosquitos

Mcmourning: canine remains, zombie chihuahua

Seamus: copycat killer, bete noir

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Out of the 3 masters you mentioned, I play 2 out of 3. It really does depend on play style and each one is different as mentioned above.

Here is my take on the Gremlins, being an experienced player with them. They are a boat load of fun and full of shenanigans. They shoot (and sometimes hitting their own kind mind you!) but, are mediocre at best at doing so. You need to spam enough guys to make it effective. They are tricksy in terms of what you need to do, to be effective, but it isn't too difficult. Som'er Teeth and his box is fun, yet the learning curve is much higher than the Ophelia box, which is a lot more straight up. Post in the Outcasts section to get more feedback on the Gremlins. I don't want to go too off Reserrectionists. Hillbilly, Cowboy goblin type guys who blow their own heads off...whats not to love?

Now, here is my take on Seamus. He is an all purpose guy, who has the tools to deal with most anything you throw at him. Most people see his gun stat (at first) and cream a bit in their pants, but this is not his shining trait. Seamus is all about scaring the pants off people. He, IMO is harder to learn than the other Resurrectionists masters, only because he doesn't have a defined roll in his games. He isn't Mr. Summon undead horde (see Nicodem) or Melee beat stick with a side of Frankenstein (McMourning). He summons a little bit, fights a little bit, but the one thing he does do well is stay alive! Undead hookers...need I really say more?

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If playing gremelins start with the ophelia crew, the Som'er crew requires a lot of models that is not normal with rest of malifaux. I think the Ophelia crew is a fun start, teh 3 actions a tunr gives you lots of flexability, just be warned terror is SCARY.... If you see Copelious (typo?) the guy who plucks eyeballs, take him out early. He finds gremlins tasty.

Som'er is good, but the $$ to start playing him is more than any other crew. But if you want gremlin summoning this is the way to go.

Mcmourning & Seamus are probably the 2 least played crews in my LGS so I can't say much on them. Mcmourning can effectively take out any model in the game in 1 activation with the scalpel of doom. And there is a combo to dissect his pet dog into 20 odd body parts, and just pop other dogs out all game. Seamus I have not heard good things about.. ask elsewhere.

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Thanks for the imput. Deciding factor came down to my girlfriend preferring the dead hookers - she's the artsy one of us and I'm for doing anything that will get her excited to help paint them.

I know the Seamus box set is supposed to be pretty solid on its own, which is nice for the pocketbook, but I'm debating what to add. I know the hanged and bette noir are two popular additions that will increase my offense, and the copycat killer seems pretty solid as well. That about right? I'm looking for a solid, well-rounded group with minimal obvious weaknesses.

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Welcome to the Resurrectionists! Seamus is a great choice, you'll have a lot of fun playing him. Some people like the Convict Gunslinger for some ranged offense. Crooked Men are a popular choice too, for their synergy with the Belles Lure spell. The Hanged work extremely well with Seamus, with all of their Wp based abilities. Out of all the Resurrectionists masters, Seamus will save you the most money (IMO). He's pretty effective with just his box and a few blisters. If you want to be crazy you may want to pick up a blister of Canine Remains, just to heal Seamus (when living or undead models die within 6" of Seamus, he heals 2wd). Hope that helps!

Edited by Cornelious1424
forgot to add something important
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Thanks for the imput. Deciding factor came down to my girlfriend preferring the dead hookers - she's the artsy one of us and I'm for doing anything that will get her excited to help paint them.

I know the Seamus box set is supposed to be pretty solid on its own, which is nice for the pocketbook, but I'm debating what to add. I know the hanged and bette noir are two popular additions that will increase my offense, and the copycat killer seems pretty solid as well. That about right? I'm looking for a solid, well-rounded group with minimal obvious weaknesses.

Good to here, he was my first too so I can vouch for how fun he is to play. Depending on how much you want to spend I would reccommend a blister of Hanged, either the Copycat Killer or Grave Spirit (in the end I would pick up both) and a blister of Crooked Men to give you more board control plus Belles can lure models into their shafted markers in which hilarity ensues (for you at least).

All this leaves you with only one main area of weakness and thats against armour and/or models with immune to influence. This is where an Onryo or two come in handy as they ignore armour with their melee strikes and have a spell that removes Wp immunities.

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Seamus was my first master that I...mastered (after playing a few others) and I am getting ready to restart him, as he was by far the most fun to play for me. My standard list was

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Seamus, The Mad-Hatter
7 Cache

  • Convict Gunslinger

  • Madame Sybelle

  • Punk Zombie

  • Punk Zombie

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

But this time around I am grabbing the Dead Justice box and dropping a Samurai Punk for a Crooked Man and a CopyCat Killer.

You know, of the many MANY games I have played with Seamus, I never once considered using Belles to pull to shafted markers...I couldn't ever find a way to force them near it so never bothered getting them...

...wow I'm a special one.

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