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New to the Game and Thinking About Resurrectionists


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I've never really paid too much attention to the game as the first few releases (when the game first came out) never caught my attention, but with the expansion of the range it seems fairly appealing to me now.

Note, I've opened similar threads in the other forums, because I noticed that you can pick your group after missions are revealed, making it seem more profittable to collect as much of one faction as possible.

I'll just list my questions in point form:

1) How do the Resurrectionists play?

2) How balanced is the game, overall? If there is a powercurve of sorts, where do the Resurrectionists sit?


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I'm mainly a Resurrection player and they are great. Their main dynamic is bringing back fallen models as minions to fight for them, and they all do it to a certain extent. They are predominantly close combat and they range from Masters like Nicodem that are slow and steady and swarm the enemy to Masters like Kirai that can act like a surgical strike.

The game to be honest is very well balanced. It definitely favours good players more than some systems where it's a case of choosing the best list (often found on the internet) and your tactics consist of walking towards the enemy rolling bucket loads of dice.

I've recently had a few games against Marcus who is generally considered at the low end of the powercurve with Pandora who is considered at the high end. Even though I did thoroughly take him apart, I did end up thinking that if I had been playing Marcus instead, knowing what I did about my own crew, I could have pulled in a victory. I don't think you could say the same if you were playing Dwarfs vs Demons in WFB, I think even if you had a good player playing the Dwarfs the Demons would win 9 out of 10 games.

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I am primarily a Resser player and I can say that they have pretty well anything that you are after. Generally they are resilient and as Ratty said you get to bring your own guys back from the dead.

Each Master has a different focus with McMourning being fast and in your face, Seamus resilient and has a lot of board control and manipulation, Nicodem, Hordes of undead that he can raise to suit any situation plus he makes them all fight better, Kirai, fats and surgical.

Power curve comes down to experience of player and experince with their crew/master, it is balanced

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Well I can expand that McMourning and Kirai both adapt to the flow of the game with how their crew ends up looking. Kiari has flexible summonings with a variety of Spirits and it will be her crew that completes almost everything for her. McMourning however will often start with multiple smaller models that will die and then he will create bigger beasties as the game progresses. he is going to be the one that causes a lot of damage as well not just his crew and sometimes you can treat them as ablative wounds. He is mobile but has a few tricks to really get the most out of his mobility, he also has a very powerful spell that causes 10Dg on a severe so hits like a truck.

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