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Guarding Lady Justice


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I keep getting LJ killed! I usually play Zoridia, so it's usually the judge that does her in! I'm thinking of buying the Guardian to protect her anyone used them together or the Guardian with another master?

I'm hoping it will be a viable way of protecting her.


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I will tell you from the perspective of a player who goes against Jady Justice often enough... the Guardian makes a big difference. Suddenly she becomes exceedingly hard to actually hurt and basically I have to kill one model before I'm going to really be able to do much against her. I know more then once Lilith and Collodi has been stopped from killing Lady J because of a blasted Gaurdian sitting on her. So much armor ><

Against crews that rely on straightforward methods of dealing out death (attacks etc), this is very effective. Just be warry of AE's as the Guardian is a great launch point for attacks/spells that deal Blasts.

Against crews that typically ignore armor (like Leveticus himself or Pandora), it does buy you a bit of time buy not a whole lot. They will generally still be able to nail Lady J without much issue so you've gotta just learn to play very carefully against them.

So put it simply, yes it is a very good choice if your having trouble keeping her alive. But also think about playing a tad more cautiously with her as well, the armor will help you but if your marching down the center of main street... well your still going to get torn to shreds most likely.

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My friend uses the guardian for lady j, and it tends to get annoying as it is like giving lady j 20 wds if your crews don't have blast damage or area effects. So against zoridia the may help because one its immune to influence so you don't have to worry about obey, and two well it really depends on what your opponent brings. But all in all the guardian is an excellent addicting for lady js protection.

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Also, you need to be careful against crews that can dispel Protect . . . just something else to be on the look out for, from someone who used The Guardian with LadyJ all the freakin time.

Putting up Disrupt Auras that cover LadyJ is amazing as well. Especially since you tend to get right in the thick of it. You do have to be wary, as was stated, and don't just go marching up the middle. You'll last a lot longer if you can minimize the amount of strikes coming in.

Oh, and if you get bored . . . and use a totem for some reason, you can always have it give the Guardian Melee Expert . . . not bad, especially with the shield attacks to finish off wounded models or just put damage on ones with high Def.

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Cheers guys that's really useful! gonna pick him up tomo! I do use the totem, mainly because i'm more of a 'fluff' gamer hadn't thought of that though!

I try to play conservatively with her but i feel in order to get the most out of her she needs to be out there mashing people's faces in!

on a slightly different note, anyone rate Ryle with her?

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Wanna have fun with lady J , go with Lucius , guard captain , ausinger , and 4-6 hounds.

Lady J Hangs back , Lucius runs up with his built in defense keeps a hound near buy with the captain . The ausinger moves into position and fires , letting Lucius puppet him . Than get Lucius in the mix fling lady J into whatever you want dead , and puppet the captain in combat with Lucius bonuses can be beast . Sacrifice a dog to further use the captain . Dogs run interference and grab objectives .

Before it rains in I know its far from perfect , but its very fun .

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I have tried both Ryke and the Guardian both solid. Another trick beyond pine boxing as well is using Lucius as a Lady J slingshot with his reinforcements spell can get her upfield quickly and without harm, still be careful as you will have to weather an enemy activation before she can beat face.

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