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Jormi's Random Stuff


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This week I finished up my first Jack Vasel Auction minis and continued working on a Mice and Mystics commission. I also got a bit of stuff done for me and started a Long Shot commission.

With this Mice and Mystics commission I decided to paint my minis on the same time. So here are the two Collins.


The whole fleet


All painted and ready to wreck a red shirts day.

The Valdore


I ended up going back and doing some pattern work on the Warbirds


The Birds


Science Vessels


I spent a lot of time converting and painting this guy. He has bits from several kits and a bit of greenstuff. Overall I am pretty happy with how he turned out.


Another converted character I am working on is a Goblin Shaman on boar.


I got five more Averland Swordsmen painted, but still need one more:(


Also finished another classic Wood Elf model.


The first piece of Dreadfleet is finally painted as well


I am still waiting to find out what I will be painting for my other Jack Vasel Auction winner, but I will be glad to get these ones out to their owner.

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I have a friend that keeps poking me about getting my Dreadfleet ready to play, so this week I started some work on my Dreadfleet bases.


Most of what I painted this week was rats for Mice and Mystics though!



My rats and some rats on commission!

This week I finally got a game of Warhammer in too!


Sir! Warhounds on the horizon! Grapeshot them!


The Empire Line awaits the chaos host.

I also finished my first horsey for a Long Shot commission this week.


These are interesting to paint as they are almost 2 dimensional.

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This week I didn't get as much mini painting done as I would have liked since I was repainting a bathroom in my house. Next week might be a little slow too as I will be painting the nursery, but I will try to spend as much time at the painting desk as possible as well.

I did get 3 more horse and jockeys painted for Long Shot.


I only have six to go now.

Mice and Mystics also got a chunk of my time on the painting this week.


I really like the Nez sculpt and was really happy with how his eyes came out when painted.


Another Tilda got finished this week.


I also got my spider and a commissioned spider finished this week. Doing the red markings on him was kind of fun.

For myself this week I got another couple of zombies painted for Zombicide.


I really like the Fatty's. They seem to paint up so nice.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Gears of War minis still haven't shown up, so I got a bit more work done on some of my own models this week.

I decided to start working on some Dark Age Harpies.


A lot of the Dark Age minis are pretty sweet. I really like the Harpy models.

This week I got a chance to play a game of Mice and Mystics with my fully painted set. It is always fun to play that first game with the completed set.


We did get worked over by the minions though. That photo was just prior to our demise.

I got some progress made on my Warhammer armies as well.


The Glade Guard standard bearer will be a nice addition to my Wood Elves.


Three more Halberdiers are ready to join the ranks of my Middenand unit for my Empire army. I think I have 29 left to paint.


I also started painting the Savage Goblin Champion on War Boar for my Orcs and Goblins army. He utilizes bits from several different kits and has a bit of greenstuff fur work incorporated. Also, my airbrush arrived this week and I utilized it for doing the base white for this mini. I am looking forward to more experimenting with it.


I also got another zombie painted and ready to join the fray.

This week I hope to get some more Halberdiers painted while I wait for the Gears of War minis to arrive.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks Viruk. Your plog is great!

This week I got a whole bunch of rats painted for Mice and Mystics. 2 sets worth in fact.



I like these minis a lot and they paint up pretty nice, but I hate assembly lining so many:)

I also finished the Super Dungeon Explore Caverns of Roxxor Heroes


The Star Guild Sapper


Princess Ruby


Deeproot Scout


These guys were pretty fun to paint. Definitely different than the average fantasy faire and the eyes are kind of fun to paint.

I still have Gears of War on the table too, but nothing finished yet. The primer has been drying kind of slow on them though:(

Not a lot of progress on my own stuff this week as I have been concentrating fire on my Middenland Halberdiers as I need them painted for Adepticon in April.





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Glad you like mi plog :)

Really like those rats, the fur looks great and I know it's not as easy to get it looking right as it might seem. The minis from Super Dungeon also look very nice. These kinds of sculpts that have more flat surfaces than your average mini give good painters an excellent opportunity to showcase their painting skills as it's not easy to highlight these and you've done them justice. Keep up the great work!

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Thanks! The SDE minis are definitely a fun change of pace!

I had some stuff going on this week filling up my weeknights and the baby filling most of the other time, so I don't feel like I got to paint as much as I wanted to. But, I did get some stuff finished.


The berserker from Gears of War is ready to see some action. He was pretty fun to paint with lots of nice sculpting to do some cool flesh tone work.


I got two Nez minis painted for the M&M commissions I am working on right now.

Here is a work in progress shot of Vurst.


I got a couple more Middenland Halberdiers painted


Also I finished my Musician for that Halberdier unit.


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This week was another slow one for painting but I got some more Mice and Mystics painted.


I am real happy with the Captain Vurst Conversion I did and hopefully the owner will really like it too.


A new green converted beetle as well to be the super spider.


Also, a green centipede to be the super centipede.


Another 2 Collins are painted up now too.

So, hopefully I will be a bit more prolific next week as I have some BSG minis on their way to me as well and I need to finish my Empire army up for Adepticon.

Part of the reason my painting was a bit slow this week was that my Saturday was spent at the Valentine's Day Massacre Warhammer Tournament. I made a video report for it.

Edited by Jormi_Boced
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Thanks, the mice are a ton of fun to paint and the game they are for is fun too.

I got the Kantu guards painted.


They ended up being quite a bit of work to paint with lots of little details. The way the flesh is broke up in to little areas too made for a bit more work.

2 more Lilly's are ready for the current sets I am painting.


I also started priming a Battlestar Galactica set as well this weekend and will start painting it soon.

Got three more of my own minis painted this week as well so 3 more Halberdiers will be joining the ranks of my Empire army now.


Played my first game of Dust Warfare today, so may end up purchasing a small force for that eventually. I think I need to get another game or two in to make sure the game is good as I think the factions out of the revised core set for Tactics aren't really meant to be played against each other in Warfare.

Also played a game of Dark Age today and I am really liking that game quite a bit and really want to get some more of them painted up.

This past week I also backed a new minis game on Kickstarter. Wild West Exodus. The minis look super cool, so I couldn't resist. I can't wait to get these guys and start painting them.


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Thanks Viruk!

This week I picked up the painting pace a bit.

I got the scouts for Battlestar Galactica painted:


Am really happy about how these guys turned out.

Also, got the base stars painted:


Now I am working on the vipers.

Got two more Filches painted.


Maginos is next and is getting close to completion.

For Gears of War I got the Drones painted. This is two sets worth. Mine and a client's.


These guys actually had quite a few details and I tried to pick most of them out well.

For myself I got a few more Halberdiers painted to finish up my Middenland unit. I now have all of my units ready for the Adepticon 1000 pt tourney and just need to get the display board ready.



I got in a 2400 pt game of Warhammer today with Lizardmen vs. Empire.








Lizardmen ended up taking the day, but it was very dicey.

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Thank you!

I finished up the vipers this week.


The raiders are on the table now and should be complete soon.

I finished off the heroes for 2 of my current Mice and Mystics commission this week as well.



The one set of heroes will be sent off to their owner this week and the other set will have to wait for me to finish off the minions to go with them. I am priming another set of Mice and Mystics now too, but they don't need to be painted until June:)

For myself this week I mostly just started basing my Forsaken minis for Dark Age.


I am going for a post apocalyptic urban rubble look. Hopefully once they are painted up I will pull it off.

I also made a video battle report for my Warhammer game from last week.

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I finished the Battlestar Galactica commission this week.



The Raiders and Heavy Raiders painted up pretty well. The one thing about painting minis like this is there is no base. Usually I stick the base to a pot of paint and hold it by that for painting. With these minis I have to do each coat twice because there is always an area where I have to hold on to it.

Working on finishing up another Mice and Mystics set this week. After this centipede all I have left are the Cockroaches and Spider.


After painting quite a few sets of Mice and Mystics it is fun to approach each new one with new refined techniques and sometimes try slightly different colors here or there.

For myself this week I put a some talasmanic tatoos on the faces of my war boars.



Finally got my Abomination painted for Zombicide.


At the rate I am painting these guys Season 3 will be out before I am done with 1:)

Have also been painting some Dust models. My Striker for the SSU is getting close to complete.


Beside painting Dust, I also got a 300 pt game of in this past week as well.





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These cockroaches and spider complete another Mice and Mystics set.

This Centipede marks the start of a brand new Mice and mystics set.


I also went up to the Dust Warfare Regional the Fantasy Flight Event Center this week and tried to get some pictures of my games.















I ended up going 1-1-2 in my games. I beat one Axis player tied with an Allied player and lost to 2 Axis plyaers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

With these Tickers finished


I have completed the Gears of War Commission and my own copy of Gears of War.

Some more Mice and Mystics arrived at my door this week as well. They are for a set of Mice and mystics I already did, but want some more rats and a custom Captain Vurst.


I also got the first Super Dungeon Explore mini from the latest batch painted


Did a little work on my John Woe model for Dark Age this week.


I ended up picking up some Chaos Dwarves at Adepticon so I have put a tiny amount of work into them.


So far just some converting and greenstuff work on a Sorcerer Prhophet.

For my Empire army I started working on some Knights of the white wolf.


A good chunk of last night was spent figuring out the proper mix of paints to get the red metallic color I wanted on the barding of the steeds. Third time was a charm though.

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They are from Mice and Mystics by Plaid Hat Games. It is a fun cooperative story driven dungeon crawl style game.


Cleopatra was a pretty tiny mini without a lot of detail sculpted into her, but I think I got a decent result.

Another hero done for Super Dungeon Explore


These guys are just so different and that makes them a lot of fun to paint!

These Bobbys came back to me to put different colors on the bases. It was fun to see them again.


Worked on my Warhammer a little bit.



I am looking forward to seeing both of these units finished!

I got in a couple of games of Warhammer this weekend. One game was my Empire vs Demons. The second was my Lizardmen vs my own Empire being played by a friend.








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I had a pretty productive week and am looking forward to getting some more progress in with the holiday tomorrow. The weather is real wet here right now, so if it is dry tomorrow I really need to do yard work instead of pain though:(

This week I got a lot of Mice and Mystics painted. I finished a commission for a friend who is giving it to his son for a birthday present.





I also worked on some Mice and Mystics for another client.


This spider was painted to match Vanestra's card art.


Regular rats, elite rats and a customized Captain Vurst.

I also got a bit more Super Dungeon Explore painted with the completion of this Sister of Light Hero:


For me this week I finished John Woe for my Skaard Dark Age force.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I didn't get a lot painted this week, but I did get these greedy roaches ready for play.

My piece of terrain for Blood in the Sun III is now ready too.


It is my interpretation of an Earthblood Mere.

I took a work in progress shot of the freehand I am working on for my Knights of the White Wolf musician.

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