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Zoraida Obey question



I played against Zoraida for the first time today and had a disagreement with the other player about her Obey spell. My opponent thought that the (1) Action would include spells because you spend AP on them and its considered a "cast action". I insisted that the spell only applied to the stuff on the card listed under "Actions". Also can the model’s triggers be activated through obey while performing the action? For example if he used my Sorrow to charge another model and he got the mask and tome would it activate misery loves company? Overall it ended up being a moot point because he spent the game using Gamble Your Life but I would like some clarity on this for the future. Also is there any recent errata on Zoraida? The most recent I could find is from Jan of 2010. Thanks

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Yes it would include (1) spells as they are a type of action as defined by actions on pg32 of the rules manual and then on page 50 where it defines a cast as an action

Triggers dont have any stipulation that they cant be used when another player is controlling one of your models so all normal rules for trigger (p26) would apply

Edited by osoi
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Obey grants the caster the ability to either charge or perform (1) action, that 1 action can be anything that can be done with 1 Action, whether its a Walk, a Strike or a Cast.

As for the triggers, if the model pulls off a trigger during the action that trigger will go off.

For example,

Perdita cast obey on Niño, with that (1) action she has Niño make a Ranged Strike against a Mature Nephilim. Niño manages to get a :masks in his attack duel and the Mature nephilim fails the defense, this triggers Trigger Happy which allows Niño make a second shot, if he manages to get the :masks again he gets to make another shot, and so on and so forth until he no longer gets a :masks or the model being shot is dead.

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