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Seamus versus the Dreamer


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So, I haven't played in over a year, and I only have the basic crew (Seamus, 3 Belles, and Sybelle). I know that I'm walking in to a disadvantage in 35 point games. Typically, I can work some kind of small goal in place.

However, against the Dreamer...there wasn't anything that I could really do that was remotely effective. Is there any way that Seamus can crew up to deal with him?

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Seamus can take aprt the Dreamer with a little bit of forethought and it does require more than just the starter box. If I know a little more of what you are wanting or what the Dreamer player typically brings I can help a lot more but if you start by adding a Hanged or 2 things will change dramatically. I also like Jack Daw but that could be a minor obsession of mine :D (mind you Jack Daw and a Hanged can get around the Dreamer's shadowy form with Jack Daw's ability 'Driven by Injustices' and that can catch a Dreamer player off guard, it can't kill him in one hit but it will take him down to 1 Wd remaining and he will have a - on all Wp duels for the rest of the game)

You are genrally durable enough to weather an Alp bomb if you are spread out and the Hanged can help take apart that bomb quite easily, plus they also work nicely against Lelu and Lilitu.

If he likes Teddy (s) then and Onryo can help out as you can strip him of Immune to Influence for a turn and then turn him into a pile of stuffing.

Just let me know a little more of what you were trying and how he was countering etc

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The list that I played against was the Dreamer, 3 Alp, 2 Stitched Togethers, Copellius (sp?), and a couple of Daydreams. I was mostly having trouble with the Alp bomb combined with the Dreamer being untargetable. Adding some Hanged might be the ticket.

I still need to get a copy of Rising Powers so I can read up on all the new stuff, like the dreamer and Jack Daw.

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I still need to get a copy of Rising Powers so I can read up on all the new stuff, like the dreamer and Jack Daw.

Knowledge is power and knowing is half the battle! (or something like that)

Kidding aside Jack Daw and Hanged would be the way to go. Jack alone can win you the game and is very hard to take down.

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you are bringing 18 pts to a 35 pt game? no one can win that

seamus actually fares pretty well against the dreamer in my experience

belles can lure even when in btb and the strike is not a strike action, so if they manage to pass the Wp test they are in good shape against alps. and if they don't pass the test who cares? they are belles

a solid cave in from a crooked man will do some work on alps as well. plus they have 2 inch reach so should be able to beat them up without taking the hits from strike actions. charges also don't count as a strike action.

seamus can just blast the crap out of stuff. i would focus since you only get a shot a turn. try to kill eyegobbler before he gets to you.

hanged, and now guild autopsies are other good ranged options.

the key to fighting the dreamer in general is baiting out the alp bomb with something you don't care about. like a couple of belles. once its out then you can deal with it.

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High Wp helps a lot against the Dreamer which the Hanged help out with a Wp of 7.

If you are just in range of one Alp with one of your models you can focus and that way you dont set off their ability that makes you take a wound as it specifically says 'strike or walk' so you can alos cast spells too. I good way to wrok around is have a Belle at either extremity of your setup and that way if the alps drop on your centre you can lure them away and free up your activations. If they drop on a Belle dont fret as they have dropped a lot of resources on a 4ss model who will hit back with slow to die at the worst, you have a pretty good Cb and alps crumble once hit.

Stitched take a different method of taking apart, i they have already activated this turn then hit them just short of killing them so they dont gain reactivate. Once again they target Wp a lot so higher Wp helps.

Coppellius just get rid of him he is dangerous.

Hookers has summed things up pretty well too

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Depends on the Dreamer player really. If he keeps running Alps, these tactics are sound. But as a Dreamer player, I try to never run the same list twice in a row to keep my opponents on their toes. Also, most Dreamer players get bored with Alp bombs after a few games with it, so unless he really likes it, expect him to change it up soon.

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you are bringing 18 pts to a 35 pt game? no one can win that

I wasn't playing for a win, so much as trying for some personal objectives. It just felt that there wasn't much that I could do to achieve anything other than feeding his force. Looks like I just need more tactics. Fortunately, there seems to be a wealth of informative folk here.

Thanks for all the good advice, everyone.

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The Hanged work pretty well in all cases, and I love pairing them up with a Grave Spirit. Having Lord Chompy Bits screaming and tearing at the Hanged and never doing more than one point a hit is really fun to watch. Shutting down Teddy's Regeneration is pretty huge too.

Lots of the Dreamer's standard crew are quick, or at least have mobility tricks like Float - that actually works against them with Belles Luring stuff all over the place. Also remember, as mentioned before, that you can Lure your own models - this basically makes them immune to the Alps.

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He saw it as a tourney situation, as there was a raffle for store credit with tickets earned through playing, winning, and drinking beer. I was mostly there for playing and beer.

And nobody was willing to loan you a couple models? I wouldn't play against him again, personally, regardless of the situation.

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