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Ramos crew


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Thanks again guys!

Here is the almost finished Brass Arachnid, and I'm currently painting the 3rd swarm.

Yes, I know I should be painting Ramos himself but I haven't decided on a color scheme yet, and he will be my first attempt of OSL so I'm a bit uncertain...and postponing it :)

anyway, Brass Arachnid (perhaps not the most beautiful color theme, but I want it to fit in with the rest of the crew):


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Well, it's been a while since I liked painting this much but the Malifaux minis themselves and the fact that there aren't 200 of them in a crew is really good for my motivation.

So, here is the 3rd swarm painted and ready.

Didn't get the pictures as good as I wanted. I should probably buy a real camera some day...

Oh, and I should probably have done something with the cracks in the pipes before painting...ah well.

Arachnid 7:


Arachnid 8:


Arachnid 9:


Swarm 3:



And I will probably be posting pictures of a painted Joss tomorrow.

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And here is Joss. I basically went with the color theme from the stat card, not really exciting but I think it turned out alright. The hair and axe-heads could do with some improvement, but hey, it's tabletop standard.

...and yes I have now actually started on Ramos himself



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Now this is my absolute first attempt of OSL. It didn't turn out completely like I wanted but hey, I guess it's alright for a first try.

Any obvious things I need to improve (except the forehead which turned out a bit too green)?

(oh, and don't ask why his electrical fire is green. It just is, ok)




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