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Each Master works differently, and so uses very different crews. I don't think there are any combos that really transfer well between different crews. And I know most of us have multiple crews so it's unlikely we run the same combos every game.

Also I think you limit yourself a lot with how the game is set up if you don't come into each game and consider strategies before picking crews. OK Seamus will always have a couple of Belles but there are very few hard and fast rules.

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I was just wondering what people prefer. The box sets are great value and I suppose where everyone starts but are they a balanced group.

I think my mind is still stuck in 40K mode, 'take this and that, plus arm them with this and they will wipe anything they come up against'

This ain't a game you can matrix (one list and general set of strategies will take care of 80% of your opponents...). Moreover, there's not a whole bunch of rock-paper-scissors either -- no matter what you do Crew A will lose to Crew B 90% of the time. That's what make Malifaux so fun -- that one crew can beat any other crew on a given day with the right elements and strategy adds a whole bunch of replay-ability and depth to the game.

Even if you're not a very savvy player when you first start as far as combos inherent in your crew, there's still the dynamic of schemes and strategies like ispep said... Your opponent can wipe your crew out to a man, and you can still win by victory points if you stayed focused on your strategies and schemes.

But it doesn't end there when you start to get into tournaments where you can swap between crews within your declared faction... which of course adds on another totally different gaming experience as when you start playing with a new crew. It's a well thought-out game from a design perspective! For more on tournaments, use the search function here on the forums.

Welcome to the Club!

BTW what crew did you start out with?

Edited by Seventeen
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