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Soda pop Candy and Cola


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SO here is an experiment that took me so far out of my box that i don't know if I can crawl back in. I picked this nice little chica up from my friends at Cool Mini or Not and Soda Pop Miniatures ( Hey Deke, John, and Chris!) while at Pax East a while back. Recently i have been pushing myself to get better because I have painfully realized DGraz has gotten way better than me at painting in the past year ( :P heres looking at you Graz!). For Candy and Cola I primed them white ( shudders) and used glazes, matt mediums and my brand new really tiny ( never had one that small) Windsor Newton 0/1 series 7 brush.


While i feel like i got some...different... results i feel like i am kind of skewed in opinion since i am always so close to my models ( they have little pieces of me in them( no really, ive glued my skin to many on accident). So if any of you who have seen my other minis would like to contrast and compare to this one i would greatly appreciate the feedback. I have some important commissions/projects to paint for clients and I have been torn as to what kind of techniques i should employ to get the best results!



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Looks realy good, I like the colors and the contrast, the only criticism is that the eyes are a little too wide-eyed anime, bordering on the creepy, also would be good to get a few other views, so we can see better shots of Cola. the base has a nice freehand design from the current view would be nice to get a little more of a turned view.

However, all in all, great work, nic composition and the color choices works well together.

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I feel that there is a step up from some of your previous work, however I still think that the Kirai crew came out better overall.

I think the eys and skin tone are what are letting it down for me, personally I feel that a more 'pinky' skin tone would have fit better in with the colour palette and feel of the model and the eyes look a little startled, just need some darker edging outside of the white.

Overall a very nice looking model but you asked for how to better yourself and I would expect similar sort of feedback if I asked for it.

What do you feel more comfortable doing?

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Thanks. You're doing the right thing to get better. It's hard to experiment because you feel you might have gotten better results with the methods you're more comfortable with but when you've taken it as far as you can go with one technique, you have to experiment to get better.

I like this piece overall.

Of course the eyes. not enough pupil.

The pink hair really jumps and becomes a focal point, so balancing it with the free hand on the base was a good move - and keeps the eye on the model. The model is very anime looking, and the color choices perfectly fit that look.

I would probably go for a more extreme highlight. maybe one more level on the purple. but at least one or even two on the blue/green and the blue on the pistols. I do like the less is more approach on the purple, it gives it a latex look.

I like the flesh tone and blending on it - her abs and the small of her back look great. I think she should have a bit deeper shadow deep in her cleavage (about the same degree as between her thighs). That'd really make those puppies pop.

That's all the advice you're getting out of me - I don't need the competition. :)

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