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Multiplayer Event Idea


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So, our group here is normally a very competitive group. Most of our systems naturally go over to tournaments, but at the same time, that seems to be the first nail in the coffin for them. War of the Ring went from the best game GW put out to the worst in the space of two months after our first attempt at a tournament. None of us want to see that happen with Malifaux, so we're trying to think of something other than tournaments to do for organized stuff at the shop. Luckily, Malifaux lends itself extremely well to story type scenarios, and from a small brainstorming session with another of our group tonight, we came up with this idea, which is currently in the broadest possible terms.

Guild Supply Raid (modified supply wagon encounter)

6 foot by 4 foot board, the Guild player starts on one of the two 4 foot edges, and needs to escort a supply wagon to the middle of the board.

Each player will have 25 soulstones, the Guild player will have two Masters, 60 soulstones +5 soulstones per player over 4. If the Guild player hits 80 points, he may hire a third Master. Maximum number of players will be 9.

For each player over 4 that is against the Guild player, the supply wagon will have to go further by 6", and will be tougher.

First place will be to the player who kills the wagon, second place to the player who kills the most Masters, third place to the player who kills the most Minions.

This would be an all day event idea, and to keep the Guild player from having too many activations after everyone else, players will alternate their activations against the Guild player.

Has anyone tried this kind of thing before? And does this seem like it would work?

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Poor Guild player, lol. He'd already be guaranteed not to get 1st place. This is much more in depth than anything we've thought of at my LGS. We've done a 2 vs 1 brawl, and we've been thinking about doing a 4 player scrap with corners deployment where you pick a strategy against one player, and one scheme per remaining player.

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The Guild player is okay with not being in the running for prizes this time around, lol. We've already got ideas for another event to do around October for a multiplayer thing like this, so long as this one goes well. Basically what we're trying to do is keep it a free for all, without having players pair up and do small games, which has been our experience for other games. We'll see if it works. Still trying to think through how to make the Wagon more survivable, so no one can Dreamer-rush it and one shot the thing.

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How about you don't make the wagon like normal, say it requires a certain amount of models to move it (or goes faster the more are in base contact), so as long as enough are alive it's still moving plus could be immune to blast (or only hurt by blast?) and require a special (2) action to cause damage. That would slow the enemy down while giving opponent a chance to keep it moving

I like special scenarios (not much of a tournament player)

Anyway that's my ramble.

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