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Lucius vs Somer Teeth


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Hi guys,

Back to Malifaux, finally, and with some nice new sceney. Pics forthcoming. Posted the batrep on my blog but will also list here.

25ss Somer vs Lucius. Somer drew reconnoitre, I got Slaughter. First time using Lucius so I have some learning before I will feel I am confident with him.


Lucius, 3 Guardsmen, Guard Captain, Austringer and the Governor's Proxy

Somer, 2 Mosquitoes, 4 Gremlins, Hog Whisperer, Warpig


With the crews setting up on opposing edges it was going to be a dash to the centre by the Guild to eliminate as many of the opposing faction as possible while the sneaky gremlins would be clinging to cover in an attempt to have more models in each of 3 table quarters than the enemy.

Malifaux decided to influence matters by opening up the skies and causing a downpour which would affect charging throughout the encounter.

Turn 1:

Lucius started off by sending his autringer into cover along 1 flank in order to use the raptor strikes while hiding in cover while the rest of the guards moved up around the watch tower, preparing for an assault in the following turns.

The gremlins meanwhile scampered into cover along the right flank while Somer Teeth hung back with the warpig, hog whisperer and the mosquitoes.

Turn 2:

More manoeuvring by the Guild positioned them in place for an alpha strike in the following turn.

Except for a lone gremlin moving forward the rest of the gremlins held back to see what would happen.

Turn 3:

Unfortunately the forward gremlin was noticed by the austringer who launched his raptor who inflicted maximum damage taking out the gremlin in 1 hit. A shot in the dark inflicted 1 wound on the warpig. In response the hog whisperer cast sweet nothins to heal the pig and then made him able to pigcharge in a turn where no charging was possible.

A guardsman hopped over the covering wall and took out a gremlin through an open window. The warpig lined up the unfortunate guardsman and pig charged her. Inflicting 3 damage on the forward guardsman and using reckless to get another 2 wounds off left the poor guardsman with only 1 wound.

Turn 4:

With the warpig all alone he stampede'd against the unfortunate gaurdsman who was gored to death. Immediately the warpig charged the Governor's Proxy who did not stand a chance. Deciding it prudent to stay in combat the warpig charged into the Guard Captain but failed to inflict any damage. In return the Captain failed to wound or even hit the large beast. Still, the warpig was in combat and could not be targetted by any of the Guild.

Using his hidden sniper spell Lucius tried to target the mosquito in combat with the guardsman by the ruined tower. Flipping for multiple targets the guardsman failed to get out of the way and was targetted but Lucius failed to hit.

Turn 5:

Somer and the Hog Whisperer decided to make a run for it up the left flank, right into line of sight of the Austringer who launched his raptor at the whisperer, taking a few wounds off him.

Lucius charged the warpig and with a critical strike from his sword cane flipped a red joker inflicting maximum damage and another moderate damage taking the warpig down to 3 wounds. With Lucius' ability to prevent enemies striking back if he successfully damages the unfortunate pig would not be able to strike back. The pig did not last much longer as the captain struck him and took the beast down.

With that the encounter was effectively over, Somer Teeth scarpering while Lucius added to his fearsome reputation.

Hope you guys enjoy. I'll be updating my site regularly I hope.


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