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Rasputina Snowglobe?


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So, had a bit of a crazy idea for Rasputina, and wanted to know if anyone could help me figure out what I need to do it. I wanted to emphasize Rasputina's mastery of winter magic, but a) I'm not that good at sculpting and B) I want to base her more in the city anyway. So, I was thinking, why not build and paint her like she was in the city, and then put her in a snowglobe? But, I have no idea what to use for holding the liquid. Anyone have any ideas?

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Lightbulbs. go find a smallish lightbulb, measure the circumfrence of your base with yarn and then find the appropriate area around the lightbulb. Tie the yarn around the lightbulb and light it on fire. then after the fire sets for a minute drop it in a pre prepared cold water imediatly. Then you have your container (here they do it with a coke bottle but the principle is the same: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/968599/how_to_cut_a_bottle/).

Now that you have the vessel fill it almost to the brim with water and snow glitter stuff, apply a ring of glue to the base of the figure and put the figure into the vessel and let the glue set. add some extra glue to make sure its sealed. BAM snow globe.

Alos MAKE SURE your figure is DULLCOATED!

hope that idea helps. I have not done it myself but i think it will work in theory.

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I'm not sure that a lightbulb really has the tensile strength to hold the water since it's only really intended for inert gas. Plus lightbulbs aren't the sturdiest object on the game table, a bad knock and the board could be flooded with water and broken glass. It might be a better idea to simply face a snow globe using bits suspended in clear resin.

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