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Malifaux League idea

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There are a couple of us who are trying to promote Malifaux a bit more, we have a large group, but play Malifaux irregularly. So I working out a store league rule set so similar to WM/H, with point on playing diversity vs power play.

Figured have it so you accumulate points the following way.

1 point for winning

1 point for 35 SS scrap or higher

2 point for 50 SS brawl or higher

1 point the first time you try a new strategy

1 point the first time you try a new scheme

1 point for playing against a new master

1 point for defeating a new caster

Any suggestion would be appreciated. I don't know all the fluff well enough to try and make a map and territory claiming. at this point I don't see the dedicated faction for the league. but any suggestion would be appreciated.

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We just finished an Achievement League here, very similar to Martian's. We totaled the achievement count for league prizes rather than a drawing, but same basic idea.

A number of henchmen have contributed to the lists, and the ones that encourage variety can be a lot of fun. Things like letting your opponent choose your strategy, or crews without a starting SS cache, no repeat models, or a master with none of the models from their box set, add some fun, odd goals as well.

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Achievement: Get Tony to complete a game of



Oh, lol, LGS owner; he often wanders off in the middle of games and never returns. I'm multi-player games, he tends to assume that the game was finished without him, when really we've been waiting for him to take his turn.

So just an achievement in jest, one that I don't expect anyone to actually get, lol...

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I took the above doc and modified it for review by out LGS. It looks like our league will run for 4 week and you can play a max of 12 games in the league, average 3 per week but not restricted to 3 per week. Our players wanted to have some advantage for winning games so there are points for winning vs playing each strategy. for schemes I left it is play vs earn points so if voluntarily taking bad schemes cost you the game you still get points if you did them. The advantage is to the player who win, but a power player who always takes the dame force gets hindered. We saw one set of achievement league rules where each achievement had a point value, still waiting on feed back on that. I thought I would post it here and see what people thought, and if anyone thought of other achievements.

Take note the sheet is designed to be printed double sided and tri-folded.


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