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McMourning without Dogs

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Hi all,

Any thoughts on a viable McMourning crew list which don't have any canine remains in them.

I know that they are really good for his crew and I am loving all of the fluff behind McMourning and love virtually all the accompanying models but I really really do not like the canine remains and wouldn't enjoy playing with them.

Any thoughts on alternatives - punk zombies or necropunks for example??

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He can definately function without canines, although I would advice to take at least the Chihuahua then. Otherwise, you get difficulties in retrieving corpse counters. I often play with the chihuahua and 1 canine. The canine in the first round is chopped to pieces by McM just to get body parts for summoning.

For objective grabbing you can then use necropunks for instance.

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Hmm, so I'm thinking of getting into Resers, and was considering McM. I love Kirai, but I don't want to fork out the cash for her crew atm. Currently I own Bete, 2 Hanged, 2 Extra Hollow Waifs to proxy as Belles, and 2 Canine Remains (All courtesy of Levi, and I don't like the dogs that much either, thus posting this here and not in the Tactica, haha). I also have a Convict for some extra ranged support...oh and a Miss Pack if I needed a Nurse.

Therefore, I don't want to waste money on the starter and was just going to get McM, Sebastian (don't really like him, but why the hell not, lol), and a Flesh Construct (if I really need 2 I'll print out a card and proxy my Desi).

Is there anything you guys would consider getting in addition to those 3? I've been Hemorrhaging money like crazy so I don't want to drop a lot. I figure the Convict would be fine for ranged and the belles/bete/sebastian/hanged would be enough for support. What do you guys think?

Edited by Necromorph
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