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Durek's Painting Log


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Well after a very absence I will be getting back to painting.

Will post pictures when I can

So (cause I hate res post without pictures) without any further ado, here are some pictures of my completed gaming table (without additional scenery). Not really special... but its MINE:D

It was made by my whole family(except dog) My father designed it with me and did most of the work in which I assisted. Even my mom helped here and there. My wife helped me assemble and paint/flick the whole thing. I think she did a great job painting the river before the resin went in. As well all sides are marked by wood burning she did. On the long unseen side is our family crest, the short sides you see her personal mark and others scattered around the lip. It measure 6x4 and has a reinforced shelf about 1 foot off the ground to store terrain and such as well as to lean on with foot. I'm very proud of it.


Now we come to some very important gifts I got this past year.

First is the mug my wife got made for me for Christmas; it features my future dream gaming store (If I ever win the lottery that is) with a very characterful suggestion at the back. The logo was done by a professional artist of mine.


Second is what my good friend who goes by “Lady Evaine” got me for my birthday, which are light up LED pillars of 2 colours (obviously red or blue, there’s a switch) done by a great chap “LoboStele”.


I will be posting a Christmas tree topping Weeping Angel she made for me also when I get the chance.

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Jormi_Boced said:
Very cool ice pillars
daemonkin said:
Nice work Durek! Love the pillars.


Thank you both of you.

Well, just a small update; still working on Rasputina…Been putting her off for a year as I can’t decide between 2 colour schemes. So I decided to go with blue and leave the pure white alone as it is daunting for now. Will try the alt sculpt later.

Had someone ask for a WiP on the table which I do have, without further ado see below



Also new is some markers (see below) I made. There are the 5 TnT markers; the 2 Bags of Soulstone & 2 Evidence markers; Treasure Chest& 4 Mysterious Effigies. Many others as well as evidence markers will be required, just need to come up with more ideas; though I have a few. Still stumped on the Supply Wagon...

Toying with putting TnT in white on the dynamite markers so it stands out.






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Short update

Well I’m trying to keep with my 1 mini a week. After 4 frustrating hours of highlighting & shading a pre base painted Raspi I had started 1 week back I achieved only an unsatisfactory blue tunic. It seems I have a block with this model. No matter what I do I’m not happy with it. Now, I’m not the quality of painter that can spend 4 productive hours on a tunic…usually it’s an hour or 2 max… It almost met the wall; but my wife (bless her) recommended I leave Raspi alone for now and try something else. So having little time left in my allotted paint day, I produced this Belle puppet from Puppet Wars.

I’m happy with it, the base actually turned out well; wasn’t sure how I was going to paint it till it was done. It is seems to hover of the base on certain angles because its magnetized so I may use it as a Wicked Doll for Malifaux or as a puppet for Puppet Wars.

Stay tuned next week for Raspi: Round 2…




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Some very nice work all round... Nice counters in particular

Thank you.:1_Happy_Puppet1:

This week's update is my newly done Flesh Golem.

Wanted a walking brainless dead feel to him, fresh off the mortician/ surgical table; hence the pale green hospital gown. The dead eyes didn’t come out quite the way I originally intended but I think its works (they’re growing on me). Attempted to do the toe tag but screwed it up too often lol.

The shine is due to the flash as my lighting isn’t good (I’ll have to work on that soon).

Next up more puppets.




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Finally here is Raspi; all done in her cold glory. Not completely happy with how everything turned out (I like to finish my own models) but sometimes you just have to know when to stop. For me this was at the highlight stage; where my gracious wife finished her up for me (hence the why Raspi is on 2 plogs *wink*).

But now that my long work week is over hoping to push through my painting funk and get 1 or 2 done this weekend. I’ve been doing a few terrain pieces to get my jinxs out; we’ll see if it worked.



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Terrain does a painter good…

Well finished my Zombie Chihuahua tonight, so time for a quick post before bed.

The inspiration behind this piece is from Monty Python’s Holy Grail. As soon as I seen the Chihuahua I thought of the Killer Rabbit

, so much so I considered attempting a rabbitectomy to make him a zombie bunny. He is such a small model that he actually needed more than a plain base to bring him out. So after some searching for an appropriate bone filled base I found one at Micro Arts Studios. Surprisingly GW with their everything must have a skulls philosophy (models, vehicles, terrain…) didn’t have anything.

With any further ado… LOOK AT THE BONES!!!




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Nice work on the Flesh Golem. Great hospital colours on the cloth and I love the chihuahua colour. I actually got some painting in last night. Threw some colours on my Ortega boys and a belle and got some paint on 2 objective markers for the 'Supply Wagon' scenario.


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@ Evaine & ModollerMorgan thank you for the compliments.

Nice work on the Flesh Golem. Great hospital colours on the cloth and I love the chihuahua colour. I actually got some painting in last night. Threw some colours on my Ortega boys and a belle and got some paint on 2 objective markers for the 'Supply Wagon' scenario.

Thank you, wasn’t sure how they would turn out as I didn’t like’em half way through but I’m happy with the final outcome.

Can’t wait to see more of your work, do you still have your own plog or just the website?

Ok, so lots of painting done over the last 2-3 weeks. I’ll try and post some of my terrain later this weekend (I’m actually proud of how it turned out).

Unfortunately my painting will come back to a crawl since my vacation time is used up. :1_Exhausted_Puppet:

Didn’t get as many games in as I had hoped but any is good. I’ll still try for 1 to 2 minis per month and see where it goes from there.

Also recently stated to listen to Aethervox podcast during my painting and love it. I know there not new; but I’m not usually one for podcasts. Just got tired of the same tracks on the ipod did a google search and up they came. Great job guys, keep up the good work!!!

So here is the latest model I’ve defaced with my painting:-P, turned out well actually. Wanted to try just some quick and drastic highlights compared to what I usually attempt. Also my first try at source lighting (the eyes)… didn’t go so well. But I’ll try again on the next 2. The sword wasn’t done by me but my wife. She has been wanting to try the fire-blade technique/ effect, worked out quite well if I do say so myself. I’ll have to get her to do the other 2 now when they’re done.

Well thanks for reading. Have a great weekend and play safe.



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So just another quick post, I have a group pic of Raspi’s crew (minus the Cerebus as it is MIA at the moment grrr). I will be adding completed crew shots to my main page and updating them as they grow.

(should have reserved 2nd post for this... need a TARDIS)

Did manage to get my car out of a 2ft snow fall and attend a local gaming groups opening night to runs some demo games, 50% didnt show but not bad...


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  • 2 weeks later...
I like your flesh construct head swap-- way less cartoony than the normal one, which I can appreciate

Thank you, yes I thought so too. Sorry for the delay in my responce.

Well a real quick update. Real life caught up to me the last couple of weeks but I may have a little more time to do more painting soon.

Here are the photos of the terrain I did (and promised) a while back to shake my painting slump off.

Used some posters Soundwave had graciously sent me a while back and have added my own few to the file. They are great and I thank him again for the inspiration (see his Seamus avatar).

A digital prize cookie for whom ever guesses the painted yellow reference on the last pic…:Confused_Puppet1:





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Huh, no one’s even going to try for the digital cookie prize? Guess it wasn’t tempting enough…

Oh well, we move on. Here are my two others Witchlings I have been working on, to round out my squad of three. Again my loving wife did the fire/heat effect on the held broken Runeblades; leaving the one in its shoddy scabbard cool to the touch (for the moment *wink* )

Next up Sonia and Samael.



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Hadn't caught this post before. Looks suspiciously like the sign of the King in Yellow to me. ;)

Yep you got it, wasn't too abstract but started to loose faith there a bit. Digichip cookies for you lol

The scenery is aces! Love the wanted posters. Where'd you get them? Glad you and TeeCee are getting some quality painting/gaming time in!


Got them from Soundwave a while back an been adding some of mine own. Did you want a copy? I can email it too this week. Gonna put some on my Western & Terraclip buildings later on.

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Got them from Soundwave a while back an been adding some of mine own. Did you want a copy? I can email it too this week. Gonna put some on my Western & Terraclip buildings later on.

Is there anyway I would be able to get a copy? I'm looking to use them for my outcast bases and maybe for some avatars. :]

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Yes please that might be anice addition to my Sarissa Precision scenery.

Will do when I get off work this morning.

Is there anyway I would be able to get a copy? I'm looking to use them for my outcast bases and maybe for some avatars. :]

Sure if you PM your personal email I can send it at the same time as D's.

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