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From a handicapped gamer: Thank you Wyrd for C. Hoffman

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Total threadomancy, but I just found this post and it made my day. I also don't feel in the least bit bad pushing it to the top of the list so other people who might have missed it the first time round get a chance to see it too.

Respect to, you, the hoff, and Wyrd.

I don't know why I didn't see this necroing post before but thanks (I'm totally necroing myself).

Update that some of you know: I got a C. Hoffman 25SS crew but it is still unassembled. My bro has his hobby time occupied on other thing for the past few months, most recently my Ogre Army for Warhammer. I'll see if he at least assembles it for me to give Malifaux a whirl.

Still need to get Book 3 to continue Hoffman's story.

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Still need to get Book 3 to continue Hoffman's story.

All of the stories in the new book are good. The way that Hoffman's power and control have developed is great, but then I was disappointed to see the "Precious Cargo" rule on his Avatar. It just didn't seem to fit. Oh well, I still like the artwork, and I am awaiting the model's release.

On a tangental note, I have a friend who is blind (as is his brother, genetic degenerative issue) who plays CCGs and actively played GW's Battlefleet Gothic, with only minor assistance. It was just an example of how games can accomodate players of all abilities.

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As a person who can control machines with his mind, I can also identify with Hoffman.

But, seriously, that's was really nice to read and made my day even better. It's also nice to know that we don't create disabled or different characters in fiction because it's "politicaly correct", but because people may identify themselves and be inspired by them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I got the Twisting Fates book this afternoon and just finished reading all the fiction in it, completing my reading of the fiction in all 3 Books. Best fiction I've read in a game, be in an RPG, Tabletop Game, or video game. The first story in the book, telling of the Hoffman brothers as kids playing rugby touched me. I cried, as I had a similar experience once between my brother and me, though it wasn't about rugby. I'll write Mr. Caroland & Wyrd an email in appretiation on the fantastic read tomorrow, hope they will read it (I've been awoke far too long reading to write the letter I would want).

Hoffman is my favorite character, bar none. His Avatar model can't come faster. I want it, yesterday.

Edited by Da Big Baws
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  • 1 year later...

This is really great to read.

Dont mean to detract from the experience, but would like to add two other things - I think wyrd presents characters that represent "minorities" well. Not so much standard, racial minorities, but small social minorities. The story of kirai, and the 10T being migrants in general hit me on a deep level. Simple stuff, almost cliche story, but still, quite hard to stomach inequality like that, which draws you to the characters.

Secondly, I think this is done often and well in various ways, to make the world seem more "real" and lets readers relate. Certain media universes I enjoy are all brought to life by various factors, and I think for malifaux, its the social inequalities. (For game of thrones, its the sex, but thats a story for another time.)

Finally, I was pondering the other day making a sculpt of hoffman in a wheelchair - Just fancy it to make mine a bit different to everyone elses.

Anyway, cheers again for the read.

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This is really great to read.

Dont mean to detract from the experience, but would like to add two other things - I think wyrd presents characters that represent "minorities" well. Not so much standard, racial minorities, but small social minorities. The story of kirai, and the 10T being migrants in general hit me on a deep level. Simple stuff, almost cliche story, but still, quite hard to stomach inequality like that, which draws you to the characters.

Secondly, I think this is done often and well in various ways, to make the world seem more "real" and lets readers relate. Certain media universes I enjoy are all brought to life by various factors, and I think for malifaux, its the social inequalities. (For game of thrones, its the sex, but thats a story for another time.)

Finally, I was pondering the other day making a sculpt of hoffman in a wheelchair - Just fancy it to make mine a bit different to everyone elses.

Anyway, cheers again for the read.

Haha, steampunk wheelchair...hmm. Should be pretty sweet actually.

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