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My Showgirls


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Nicely done! The yellow performer looks really good. I hate doing yellow...always seems the toughest to get to look right, but you seemed to nail it there.

The only comment I would have is to pick up some matte clear coat. The gloss coat on the skin just doesn't look right to me. Overall very nice though!

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I used 'Ardcoat on them first for durability. This is the first batch of models I've been satisfied with being completly done and ready to be sealed, so I don't have dullcote around yet. Also, I was planning on dullcoting when they were fully attached to their real bases (they are just pictured on handling bases)

The 4 Coryphees are because the modular base I was going for wasn't working quite right. I decided it was easier just to make the duet and the 2 singles on their own bases. At some point I will probably get doves, but I have other crews and Warmahordes to get up to tabletop standards first.

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