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Tactica: Ortega

Jonas Albrecht

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Abuela Ortega. I don't have the stat card with me, but she has Matriarch, which lets all Family members within 12" Push their Wk towards an enemy model that targets her. If you take a non-Family model, such as the Executioner, and use Shotgun Wedding to make him Family, he will benefit from this, if Abuela is targeted by the enemy. If you have Papa Loco and Francisco in your crew as well, that is three models getting a useful free Wk towards the enemy. Your other Family models are probably best staying back at range.

The best way to get the enemy to target Abuela is with Obey, of course. Note that all the enemy has to do is target her. From the Rules Manual, they do not need line of sight nor range to her to target her :)

I cannot recall if Matriarch allows Abuela herself to Push up to her Wk. Need to check that.

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