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Conversions Vs. Proxy

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Hey all,

Had a question regarding conversions. I ask because, although I currently am not in a location which has any real regular Malifaux play going on, I like to play in tournaments when I can. I'm curious as to what would be considered an a conversion vs. a proxy for official events.

Does Wyrd currently have a definition as to what constitutes an allowable conversion vs. a proxy?

In the Gaining grounds document it also states you need the official card for the model in question, how does that work for conversions?

I can illustrate my question with a personal example:

In one of my Resurrectionist crews, Seamus, I wanted to have some extra Belles on hand, but didn't want to have duplicate sculpts. Looking over the rest of Wyrd's line I decided to pick up a clamshell of Hollow Waifs to add to my Belles. They are painted exactly like the rest of my Belles but I doubt that just a matching paint job would qualify them. I've been looking for parasols or fans to attach to them but so far no luck (who would have thought that parasols and fans would be so rare in miniature war games =).

And for their cards, any time they would show up I'd also have my official Rotten Belles there as well. Would I have to order additional cards for the conversions even though I have official versions on hand?

Any thoughts on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

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Conversion must be, I believe, 60% Wyrd metal. So Hollow waifs work. But you would have to do some green stuffing to make them Belle like. How much so really depends on the TO. For an official tourney you would have to order extra Belle cards from the online stores for them.

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A third of the model can be by another company, the rest either Wyrd or hand made. The sculpt has to be an accurate representation of the model (wow, that's an odd statement), and is up to the TO to judge. This is according to Gaining Ground.

The conversion rules easily makes Wyrd the coolest company around for this stuff!

Nilus called it I think. An accurate representation of the Belles would likely need a parasol, maybe a fan, or both.

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Thanks for the replies.

I totally understand that local TO will be more lenient (if there ever is a tourney here) however can I ask the community's opinion on the logic behind requiring each conversion to have an official card, if multiple official examples are already onhand?

I in no way mean to sound belligerent or testy about this. I honestly curious as to to what the thinking is behind this. Again just using my own situation as an example if I were to bring my belle conversions with me I'd already have 3 official cards with me so if there was any question as to what the actual wording on the cards were there would be official documents to refer to.

Would this just be an example of bureaucracy needing to be applied across the board evenly to try to avoid any possible cheating for advantage?


As a side note does anyone have a recommendation for where to find parasols in the correct scale. I had thought of MB's thought on drink umbrellas but they were too big.

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If you have seven Belles, and three cards, how will you track effects on each of them?

I think that might be the logic behind it.

I would take MB's drink parasol idea, and carve it down to size. Unless you want to do a bit of soldering with fine wire, or guitar string.

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If you have seven Belles, and three cards, how will you track effects on each of them?

Exactly, its a matter of tracking effects for each model. And to add to that its best to clearly mark both the model and the card so that you can say Card A goes with model A. Then when you opponent asks how many wounds does model A have you can hand him the card and easily show him.

It might sound anal retentive but when you are running 20+ gamers through several rounds and hours of a tourney you want everything as straight forward and exact as you can make it. If everyone has to use the same cards and each model has a card and everyone tracks effects on the card then the chances of confusion are a lot less. If one guys tracks damage using the cards, and another puts tokens on a base and the third just scribbles it on a sheet of paper then you are just asking for confusion and trouble.

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Nilus, that's a good point. I cut my cards in half, and sleeve them in four card pages (also cut in half). That allows me to keep track of everything on the card. If I drop a model into defensive posture I write a D on the card, etc...

I DO plan on having a set on hand to be able to give my opponent at the beginning of the game. I hope that will alleviate some of the tracking issues.

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Currently I used Ratty's card creator templates to create belle cards with the picture of my new conversions so it would be less confusing. The backs have no spell information so that any questions would have to refer to the official cards.

Thanks for the reply!

I like this in theory. I think in order to ensure everyone is on the same page you would just want to make sure to have a couple of the current cards (as you said you have) for reference.

I in fact was planning on something similar for myself.

I really look forward to seeing pictures of the conversion!

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Perhaps for an official tournament you could show your opponent the official card, and then blu-tac a small picture of the conversion/proxy you're using over the picture of the actual model. Yes it involves extra cards and printing out pictures on your part, but it does make it hard for an opponent to be confused (and you're still using the 'official' card for the event, rather than a printed one from Ratty's lovely creation thingy)

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Perhaps for an official tournament you could show your opponent the official card, and then blu-tac a small picture of the conversion/proxy you're using over the picture of the actual model. Yes it involves extra cards and printing out pictures on your part, but it does make it hard for an opponent to be confused (and you're still using the 'official' card for the event, rather than a printed one from Ratty's lovely creation thingy)

Thats a lot of work. Personally I would just take a magic marker and write a letter of number on the card somewhere and then also paint that number or letter somewhere on the model(probably along the base ridge).

But whatever floats your boat :)

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