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WiP; Mobile Toolkit totem


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I was in need for a sutable proxy for Ramos/Hoffmans Mobile Toolkit totem, So I figured I would kitbash one together from my bits tower.

(faceyspaces wont let me link directly to the picture, so here is the linky to the image on our local malifaux facebook group)


Yes I know it is quite a bit more of a departure from the book art, however I dreamed up something more in line with its abilities... Therefore I give you a rolling bookshelf, loyally providing the much needed tomes when absolutely essential.

I know that it is kinda oversized for its base... in fact I eventually think I will put it on some steampunk-esque mechanical legs, but I did not have any on hand... thus the FoW german tank treads. The rest of the peice consists of left over GW chimera bits and a Tau gun drone.

now to find/build myself a statcard for him... anyone have one premade they would like to share? If not I can always unpack the computer with photoshop but the path of least resistance is always appreciated.

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