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Drawn to Metal and Arachnid


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So this has probably been covered somewhere already, but I couldn't find it for the life of me. I love to keep Hoffman in BTB with the Peacekeeper for its movement capabilities, but I haven't been taking full advantage because I wasn't sure if I could utilize arachnid.

If I take the Peacekeeper up a building for 1 or 2 movements or a Relentless, does Hoffman's drawn to metal pull him up the building as well?

Could have used this in my last game to avoid some pesky ice pillars that ended up being the death of me.

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So this has probably been covered somewhere already, but I couldn't find it for the life of me. I love to keep Hoffman in BTB with the Peacekeeper for its movement capabilities, but I haven't been taking full advantage because I wasn't sure if I could utilize arachnid.

If I take the Peacekeeper up a building for 1 or 2 movements or a Relentless, does Hoffman's drawn to metal pull him up the building as well?

Could have used this in my last game to avoid some pesky ice pillars that ended up being the death of me.

p.37 of the rules manual indicates that pushes to within a certain distance of something ignore movement penalties, so it looks to me like Drawn to Metal will push Hoffman just about anywhere (although, I'd guess he'd need to be able to legally end the push somewhere)...

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Yeah, the caveat is that it's a Push, so it must be legal for him to move. Like, if you had the Peacekeeper do a (2) Jump over a chasm of impassable terrain, and for some reason, there was absolutely no way for Hoffman to get across to that same point, then I don't think he would push. But otherwise, if the Peacekeeper climbs straight up a building for 15", but it would take Hoffman 35" to go take the stairs, cross the middle floor, take another set of stairs...then that's what he'd do. :)

At least, that's how I interpret it. The only trick with the Push to remember is that you're pushing into base contact with the Peacekeeper, not placing in base contact. So, you do have to move the shortest route possible. So, doesn't allow for any leapfrogging shenanigans.

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The only trick with the Push to remember is that you're pushing into base contact with the Peacekeeper, not placing in base contact. So, you do have to move the shortest route possible. So, doesn't allow for any leapfrogging shenanigans.

Important to note....Thanks for the quick responses.

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Where do you get that idea lobo?

Where in the book does it say it has to be the shortest route?

Toward/away wording would require the shortest route possible. Hoffman's drawn to metal lacks this working so you can move him where ever you want in base contact as long as he would be able to actually move to that spot.

Pg 35 rules manual.

Models forced to move : Toward/awayfrom something must move by the shortest route.

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Where do you get that idea lobo?

Where in the book does it say it has to be the shortest route?

Toward/away wording would require the shortest route possible. Hoffman's drawn to metal lacks this working so you can move him where ever you want in base contact as long as he would be able to actually move to that spot.

Pg 35 rules manual.

Models forced to move : Toward/awayfrom something must move by the shortest route.

Hmm....thought it was somewhat based on the Lure discussions, but you may be right with the 'toward' wording being necessary there.

I guess the precedent would be the Viktorias which say to push to within 3". Now that I think about it....not sure where I got it. Could've sworn somebody else mentioned in a thread on the forums here somewhere, and I just didn't think about it that deeply.

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All good. Not being able to pick his spot would be a bad bad thing for Hoffman. He is far to slow to actually move in to a needed spot. I love my little guild terror. If only he would join another group and get away from the evil that is guild. I here the Arcanist are fun.

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