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Stitched Together question


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Do Stitched Together work well with Zoraida or are they more suited to Pandora ?

I'd like to make a list using 3 Stitched Together and Nekima in it as I think Nekima's Terrible beauty works well when having to make WP - WP duels. I got Zoraida already but have never used Pandora before.

So which master works well using Stitched Together and Nekima.

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Do Stitched Together work well with Zoraida or are they more suited to Pandora ?

I'd like to make a list using 3 Stitched Together and Nekima in it as I think Nekima's Terrible beauty works well when having to make WP - WP duels. I got Zoraida already but have never used Pandora before.

So which master works well using Stitched Together and Nekima.

Well Stitched together will give you benifits with all the Neverborn Masters simply because of the Obscuring effect they can put up (Which Hunter can't see through! Hahaha take that Nino!). I love bringing 2 with Zoraida just to provide some cover when I have to move around in the open and the damage output from them is quite solid to begin with. They were made as Nightmares for the Dreamer, but all their abilities can be of use to every Neverborn Master. Pandora likes them and doesn't mainly due to there short range (but they generally don't have any trouble getting into range). But she already has a ton of choices to begin with, so it's almost up to personal preference in that case.

Nekima can work well with Zoraida, she is a good obey target I think (she is a godly powerful minion) but you really want more Nephilim when you bring Nekima. So if you plan on bringing Nephilim with big Z, then sure Nekima will fit in nicely.

But really, I usually don't pair the two together because Nekima is such a huge point sink I'm generally trying to cram as many Nephilim in the crew after her. Terrifying Beauty will certainly help out the Stitched, but you don't really need it. They have the high side of average Wp of 6 meaning they are on the same footing with over half the models in the game. Now I know, you'd rather have the constant advantage but I'm not sure if Nekima is worth it without Nephilim. Maybe with Big Z she is (because of Obey), but it's hard to tell.

So conclusion? Sure give it a try at the very least and let us know how it goes. I think Nekima might perform a little under part due to the lack of Nephilim, but you can always toss in a Terror Tot or two to round out the points and see what happens. Just be careful, Nekima is such a huge amount of points losing her can be a hard knock to recover from. Protect her and at the same time be aggressive with her. If need be, use Obey to get her out of danger rather then attacking again.

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We have a Zoraida player that runs

35 SS

Zoraida - ?? Cache

Jack Daw - 9-10 SS Cost

2x Stitched - 10 SS Cost

3x Insideous Madness - 12 SS Cost

This list works to incredible effect against most masters.

His basic strategy is to use the Insideous Madness to apply the :-fate to Wp via their aura (Do not know the name)

And then Jack Daw to apply his no cheating Aura.

This works well with Living Crews as well due to the Terrifying effect Jack Daw has as well as the Terrifying effect the Insideous can apply to themselves.

Once all models are in place, he then has the Stitched Together use (1)Gamble Your Life on models that are at a :-fate and who cannot cheat or SS to just pick your list apart quicklike.

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Nice sandwich ...Was actually considering the same list but with pandora as the master....for my tournies... any ideas how the list stacks up against the top tiers...viks & von ...dreamer...lillith grow..hamlin.. perdita.

I imagine dreamer viks&von and a good perdita list could be the rough matchups..

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Nice sandwich ...Was actually considering the same list but with pandora as the master....for my tournies... any ideas how the list stacks up against the top tiers...viks & von ...dreamer...lillith grow..hamlin.. perdita.

I imagine dreamer viks&von and a good perdita list could be the rough matchups..

It's a really solid list, but the problem is, you're basically running a one trick pony, and that'll cause problems against crews with more than one trick up their sleeve.

The crew is very mobile, so it isn't too difficult to lock models down and pick them apart, but your models (Master and Jack Daw aside) are very, very vulnerable to ranged attacks.

I would definately say that this is a list you build as a response to specific crews (Von Schill, Lady J, Ressers, et cetera) but never build this list as a static one.

Perdita is one crew that will 100% wreck this list, See The Unseen + her 12" YOU MOVE I SHOOT action = dead Insideous = failed list.

Vicks / Von Schill are highly susceptible to this list. Even with Stubborn, they're still at :-fate when defending against your Stitched Togethers and unless VS pops (0)Hard Ass off, it's a 100% guarantee that Jack Daw's Terrifying -> 13 will be the absolute bane of that crew.

My opinion withdrawn, this list versus Hamelin is very unfortunate.

A Wp of 5 on the Insideous paired with a Wk of 8" (And possibly a :-fate on Wp resists) means (1)Understand the Soulless and (1)Irresistible Lure are going to butcher your :-fate beacons very easily, if not death, they'll still be locked down with a Cb 6 Soulstone happy psychopath, while a Rat Swarm is beating down your neck with nothing you can do about it.

Not being able to cheat really doesn't do much to stifle Hamelin as his stats are higher than yours on average.

- -

With Pandora this list becomes far more viable due to The Box Opens and her additional :-fate on Wp duels. Pandora is certainly the preferred master with this list.

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Yup Sandwich saw one of the big problems with it, it's all your eggs in one basket. You are only truly attacking through on aspect, Wp duels which can be troublesome. If your a Pandora player you know exactly what I'm talking about here. But luckily the Madness can help you deal with that. Their attack strips immunity and PE completely hoses models vs those Wp Duels.

The biggest problem I see with the list is it is easily rolled by aggressive offense. The Ortegas will chew it apart with their Alpha Strikes and several of the Ressers will pose a big problem due to the sheer number of incoming models and recursion mechanics. I've done something very much like this with Pandora and it really does work well, but it has those weaknesses. It's not easy to, but once you push it back a little it tends to crumble. What that means is you need to pick your fights carefully and be ready to run from a fight if your going to get overwhelmed. There is no sense in fighting a battle you don't have the advantage in ;D

The list also breaks down when it has to spread out. The power comes from the over-laying effects and if they have to spread out for a Strategy or to combat a heavy Blast Damage crew, it starts to weaken. So your going to wan't to stay tight but at the same time watch out for AE's.

So a good list, but thankfully not all that abusive. It's only real defense are the Stitched Together, our corrected understanding of Hunter means they will last longer... but all it takes is a solid melee powerhouse to bring them down and move on.

But this list will certainly do a number on a Master when they manage to wrap it in all their effects. Just be careful getting there ;)

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Ive ha lotsa luck with




Hooded rider


student conflict

Sideboard 15ss

3 silurids

But knowin hamlin will be running around at tournies id feel safer with jack in the list...could swap out the hooded or dop and student..

Also never really gave the stitched a try...my main reasoning is they don't make my harder matchups easier...just my easier matchups a win more

Pandora doesn't have any terrible matchups...but I feel dreamer perdita and hamlin are longer more dangerous games where mistakes can't be made...

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Ive ha lotsa luck with




Hooded rider


student conflict

Sideboard 15ss

3 silurids

But knowin hamlin will be running around at tournies id feel safer with jack in the list...could swap out the hooded or dop and student..

Also never really gave the stitched a try...my main reasoning is they don't make my harder matchups easier...just my easier matchups a win more

Pandora doesn't have any terrible matchups...but I feel dreamer perdita and hamlin are longer more dangerous games where mistakes can't be made...

Eh I don't get to intense into the Tourny part of the game, sorta ruins it for me and why I'm glad we don't have any of the WM power gaming stuff. *shrugs* I like playing for fun which can mean a really intense or competitive game, but only with the right person.

But that is a solid list.

Stitched will make your hard Mathups easier =) They help immensely against Perdita and with careful use of them, can easily shut her down as a threat to Pandora. Just keep the fog up and in the right place and then hug terrain.

Surprised to see the Rider in your list, most tourney people I've talked to think he's not worth it. Personally I love him to death and would take him in every list if I could XD

But that list certainly has a lot going for it. Good choice of Side board but I would switch them out for Madness. They are about the same speed as Silurids but provide Pandora with more utility. But I guess if you are only really going to use those Silurids for their movement, it works.

Edited by karn987
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Don't get me wrong I olmost always play different lusts for fun games..usually not eben pandora...just when tournies do come I like my a list...

The hooded rider offers pandora a lot of what she doesn't have and he can handle a flank on his own or with things lured in..... In night mode I can movem forward covering base of models behind him..

Student of conflict is just fun..fast pandora is dumb lol...

Ill definitly try the madnesses in my board... Definitly gotta try out stitched....maybe ill take out dople and student and put in 2 stitched for my nex t game.

(ps... On a side note anyone ever tried pandora with von shiel ?? Lol)

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The Hooded Rider is quite frankly a really fast melee powerhouse who can go toe to toe with Masters and come out on top. Mounted Combat lets him do fantastic hit and run actions while his varying abilities let him set up for the right situation. For Pandora he gives her exactly what Bozzy says, a powerful flanker who can go off on his own and doesn't need support. His speed lets him take the flank quickly and dart into a fight when he is needed.

Aesthetically... he is a fantastic model XD

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Exactly karn =) just said what I was thinking...at very worst he is a handle me model..if a crew ignores him its gonna cause problems... But if the tougher models that can taken out go for him that's less problem models coming towards the P-train..immine top influence (as long as hes outside pandoras range) and in night mode is a hard model for most people to handle...and mounted combat is fantastic..

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