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Frustrating Masters


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If anyone else on the forum here is like me, I like proxying crews I'm interested in before I buy them so I don't pick up a crew I'll end up disliking and never using. This has saved me quite a bit of money on what would have been bad decisions.

For example; I love Leveticus. I love the idea, the fluff, the concepts, everything.

Except playing him.

I guess I just can't grasp his strategy fully, and I've found the games I've played with him to be counter-intuitive and difficult against a variety of opponents.

So, does anyone else have any similar stories? Any masters or other pieces you find frustrating to play, despite your love for them?

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I felt that way a little bit with the Viks when I first got them. But I haven't tried them again since the Freikorps released, and they are much better now, IMO.

So far, I've been enjoying the painting/modeling aspect of things too much to keep me from playing anything particular. I only have 7 crews total though, and only about 3 of them of them that I play on a regular basis. I haven't picked up any of the Ressers though, and I guess it's probably for similar reasons as what you've stated. I haven't really play-tested them either though, they just look either frustrating or not interesting to me.

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I don't have so many frustrations with crews I play, but more crews I play against. As an example, my sole Ress crew is Nicodem. Play him against Hamelin, and have a good time? No way.

Also, pretty much every Neverborn master, because they have so many strong models with excellent synergy, and not as many weaknesses as maybe they should have.

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