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If a girl gives me her heart, I would certainly treasure it to the end of my days. This is doubly so for a demoness. However, each lady has but one to give out, and I suspect this is not yours to give.

I dont have a heart...

But its the thought that counts is it not? I did still give you a heart... :s *gets angry*

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*giggles* hehehe! *hugs everyone and gives them all sweeties*

Loves you all! How has everyone been??!

*Nom Nom Nom sweets*

*huffs* :(

*digs into the pockets again and pulls out Drs proper present*

Its a box... open it!!!

*Nom Nom Nom sweets*

I dont have a heart...

But its the thought that counts is it not? I did still give you a heart... :s *gets angry*

*Sticks a Teddy heart patch onto Hayzel*

Now you do :D

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~Because I'm presumin' that I could be kinda human if I only had a heart. Picture me, a balcony, above a voice sings lo. "Wherefore art thou Romeo?" I'd hear a beat. How sweet. Just to register emotion. Jealousy. Devotion. And really feel the part.

I'd be friends with the sparrows and the boy who shoots the arrows if I only had a heart.

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