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Eh, the Fury system isn't *that* complicated. The biggest problem usually is making sure you've generated enough Fury for your Warlock to use in the upcoming turn, and planning for that. Two things to remember- it isn't an action to Rile, so you can do it even when the Warbeast Runs or Charges to add more Fury to that beast in particular, and your Warlock is allowed to just drop any amount of Fury without consequence.

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Writing, building and painting Skorne, playing Sunday using the Cygnar. I've realized I don't really *like* the color scheme I have for Cygnar, so I'm going to stop working on them and accept that I'm not getting all four chevrons in the league rather than paint an army I want to own and use in a color scheme I just want to repaint later, lol. So, I'm working on slowly collecting stuff for a Naaresh list and painting it as it shows up.

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I love the blue I came up with, it turned out really well. But I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to do beyond that. Didn't know what to do with pants, or the trencher outfits, or the random little doodads that military people of the time would carry. So I had a partial color scheme that looked good on the Minuteman, but once I transferred it to infantry (or even to the larger heavies) it wasn't a robust enough scheme.

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Ditto, cause I really do like my Cygnar, and I have fun playing them! Not to mention I've invested a pretty penny or two in them all, lol. But for now, I'm switching to the Skorne who are much further along in the planning stage (I've got colors picked, although I'm now working the details on painting them) than the Cygnar. And who I'm having fun with. Just need to figure out what I want to do with colors for the bases...

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The story leagues PP does each year. There's four of them this year, each running something like 6-8 weeks. Sorta like a compressed Eye of Terror campaign four times a year. It's an interesting concept that I think could be fun, if I can talk my players into trying it.

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