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Yeah, the Skorne one is tempting, honestly. I'm quite impressed with the things, it seems like they talked to the playerbase about them. The Skorne one is pretty solid, between Molik Karn and the Incendarii, not to mention Makeda2 does like Swordsmen. About the only stuff you could want more are an Agonizer and a Bronzeback, but that'd be a 50 point list.

After playing a lot of Mak2, I find that she does too much spell-slinging early game to fuel an agonizer. Then again, I've pulled of top turn 2 caster kills on a regular basis, so I might be biased here. 


That said, skorne is solid, but requires a bit of finesse. When done right, it is BRUTAL.


My friend borrowed my skorne for a game a few weeks back, he came up with this pMorg t4 gem.




2x Gladdies


2x max Arcuarii

max PgbH

min PgbH



AD arcuarii were too much beef for my Legion force to chew through, and by the time I thinned them out, he was borrowing my mantra of "Always be power-attacking with titans" - lessons he'd learned quite painfully at my hands- and messed my day up.

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Speaking of Warmahordes, is this thing terrible in-game or just an ugly kit or something, because it's deeply discounted:


Seems like a nice kit for that price.

Honestly, it really is that awful. That's the Skorne Battle Engine, and in a Faction where there are many arguments about 'the worst thing to take' no one brings that up because it's agreed it's the "winner" and people move on for the sake of discussion, lol.

Okay, that looks like an absolutely brutal list, Skull. Lot of warbeasts for Morghoul, I would have thought, but then I've never run Skorne.

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Skorne have access to the premier fury management unit in the game, PainGiver Beast Handlers (PGBH). Add to that, the Bronzeback has a special ability which causes all friendly titans in its command range (8) to automatically pass threshold checks. So his fury 5 is not really an issue. If you go over all the abilities of PGBH, as well as pMorg's spell card, you would chuckle at how much those titans can dish out for less fury than you'd think, and then the PGBH just start removing fury after the fact, and even if they don't, as long as BB is on the table, it's all good anyway. Ridiculous... in a good way.

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Honestly, it really is that awful. That's the Skorne Battle Engine, and in a Faction where there are many arguments about 'the worst thing to take' no one brings that up because it's agreed it's the "winner" and people move on for the sake of discussion, lol.


I looked it up because things were that slow at work and yeah, it sounds like at best you have to build a sizeable chunk of your list around it, and that there are plenty of other options that will be more effective.


Shame though, it's a neat model. If there were semi-official rules for massive war engines in Kings of War (not just the one-off rules the UK players whipped up for a giant game one time), I'd probably get it and replace the crew with Goblins or something- it'd be a heck of a Sharpstick Slasher.


Property ownership can suck sometimes. Got a bunch of issues that have shown up one after the other. We've already cancelled one trip and Gencon is not looking good, either.

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