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Off Topic Playground

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Nope, not a bit, lol. I'm not touching a Colossal or Battle Engine until we hit 50 points, and that'll be a while. In the meantime, I'll have fun with 35 point lists. I have a backup Nemo3 one that I'll be working on painting up in case someone decides to push the power curve too far. And it'll be fun to play, lol.

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Not too much. Started getting treatment for a recently diagnosed thing, so that's been interesting. Luckily the treatment worked on the first try, it can take a while to figure out the right stuff needed. Been cleaning and stuff around the house now that I have more energy. Um...what else. Oh, the muse showed up again (finally), so I've been plugging away at writing and painting, which has been fun. If you've got the time and interest sometime soon, I could use a pair of eyes on a writing project?

How about you, been doing well? How's the kitten?

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He threw up a couple of times yesterday so I'm keeping a close eye on him, probably just something he ate that he shouldn't have. But otherwise he's full of energy and always wants to play.


Send through anything you've got and I'll give it a look through. Work seems nice and quiet today.


Reading anything new?

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Still going through the Powder Mage books, started picking up some of the prequels for when I have a little more time to just free read. Starting to develop quite the list for that point, lol. Right now, it's got those prequels, the last of the Codex Alera books (I got distracted. >.>), Steelheart and its sequel, and The Name of the Wind. How about you?

Also, playful cat? That just sounds strange to me, lol. I've spent most of my life interacting with adults rather than kittens that the idea of a bundle of energy that wants to play is weird... Hopefully it is just something he ate.

And thanks, I'll send it along in a few. :)

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