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Off Topic Playground

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Just gotta make it through today and I'm off for the rest of the week, then two days of work, then two days off again, then a day, then the weekend. I don't have 180 days of paid time off like some- guess a low-stress good-pay tech job has to have a drawback somewhere :P


Did some more de-junking yesterday, and now the tiny coat closet downstairs is usable again. I think this is how we have to do it- once a week, a bit at a time.

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Kraye -6

Squire +2

Sentinel +4

Sentinel +4

Sentinel +4

Stormwall +19

Journeyman Warcaster +3

Field Mechaniks (min) +2

Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters (max) +10

Rhupert Carvolo +2

Victor Pendrake +2

Alexia 2 +4

It's certainly an interesting one, although I'm not too sure about Pendrake being in the list. Ragman would seem a better call.

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