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Off Topic Playground

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Ever get a call from someone you knew from your school daze but haven't talked to much since, because s/he's having a meltdown? I got one last night. Haven't been the empathetic listener in ages, but it seemed to help.


On a more upbeat subject, I'm a bit bummed that Wrath of Kings is going to be delayed because of worker strikes. On the other hand, the two silver linings are 1) good to see the workers sticking up for themselves, and 2) it might be the first time that a US-based Kickstarter sees its European backers get their stuff first. I'm looking forward to the game because it will cover the platoon/large warband-scale skirmish niche nicely, plus it looks like it will play nice and fast.


And for kicks, a side note: I got my sister a copy of Chang Cheng as a bonus Xmas gift. The game looks like it will be fun, but saying its name seems like it's begging to offend someone, y'know?

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