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Off Topic Playground

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Um, quite a few. Pickle in a Jar, which was a fun little word association game. The Big Bang Theory Party Game (or something like that) which was okay, but eh. It really needed more players to make it work, but at least it wasn't Monopoly. Um... after that, we played Dutch Blitz which is always fun, and then one game of High Command to wrap up the night.

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lol. Part of the problem right now is that the Faith and Fortune factions aren't 'complete' just yet. So the Llael deck builds are a little less rounded than the Dwarf ones- Llael's warcasters really want Warriors, but the decks need the Warjacks right now to work. Dwarves aren't as split on the issue.

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lol, compared to the Llaelese, yep. Still, it's going to be interesting seeing what happens. I know the upcoming expansion (Engines of Destruction) has Damiano and some Steelhead Halberdiers for the Llael sections of the faction, along with Rocinate. Granted, like I said- I wish Llael had more warriors, but still, there's probably three more expansions in the future. I can be patient, lol. I'm hoping to see a card pairing up Rutger Shaw and Taryn.

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Elder Sign is fun. Get Age of War if you like the dice rolling mechanic in Elder Sign, want something faster and competitive.


Wanna get Forbidden Desert (perhaps for the girlfriend). Forbidden Island is essentially Pandemic but replace the expanding diseases with disappearing bits of island.


First time I played Shadows over Camelot, it left me with a bitter taste because all the traitors had to do was make slightly foolhardy choices while the rest of us continued to fail at pretty much everything. If the normal non-traitor play had been a little easier, it would've made more sense, but they could've literally passed each turn and we still would've failed by a large margin.


Got my copy of Hordes High Command. I hope I can play it soon.


Checked out a local place that's a video game pub for brunch. For a while, we were the only couple in there...and I was the only guy. Made me think about my life choices for a moment, if you catch my drift ;)

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